P. 70

Creation and Operation of Performance Management Team (PMT). A
                          Performance Management Team (PMT) is hereby created with composition and
                          responsibilities hereunder enumerated:


                       Performance Management Team (PMT). A PMT shall be established in every agency
               preferably with the following compositions:

               University PMT:

                              1.  Vice President for AFS
                              2.  Vice President for ARA
                              3.  Director for Planning
                              4.  Director for Administrative Services
                              5.  Director for Finance
                              6.  President of Accredited Faculty or Non-academic staff Association
                              7.  Quality Management Representative/Quality Assurance Director

               Campus PMT:

                              1.  Heads of the Campuses
                              2.  Finance Officer
                              3.  Campus Administrative Officer/HRMO
                              4.  Campus Planning Officer
                              5.  Presidents of faculty and or non-academic personnel
                              6.  College Secretary/Program Chair
                              7.  Deputy Quality Management Representative/ARA
                Functions and responsibilities of PMT

                          •  Sets consultation meeting of all heads of offices for the purpose of discussing the
                              targets set in the office performance commitment and rating form
                          •  Recommends approval of the office performance commitment and rating to the
                              Head of Agency
                          •  Acts as appeals body and final arbiter for performance management issues of
                              the agency
                          •  Identifies top performers and provide inputs to the PRAISE Committee for grant
                              of awards and incentives
                          •  Adopts its own internal rules, procedures and strategies in carrying out the above
                              responsibilities including schedule of meetings and deliberations, and delegation
                              of authority to representatives in case of absence of its members.

               Planning Office

               70  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
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