P. 66



                       The Civil Service Commission as the central human resource management agency of
               the Philippine bureaucracy is constitutionally mandated to adopt measures to promote morale,
               efficiency, integrity, responsiveness and courtesy in the civil service. It is likewise tasked to
               institutionalize a management climate conducive to public accountability.

                       With the Revised Policies on Performance Evaluation System enunciated under CSC
               Resolution 1200481 and CSC MC No. 6, S. 2012, the Isabela State University adopts the
               Performance Evaluation System to be referred to as the Strategic Performance Management
               System (ISUSPMS).


                       The Isabela State University is a pioneering and dynamic institution of higher learning
               mandated to deliver academic, research, development, extension and production undertakings
               with the end goal of addressing the development needs in the countryside in region II. As a
               government line agency and a service provider, the university capitalizes on achieving a
               dynamic administrative system focused on advancing efficiency and effectiveness in the
               government service. For many years, it adhered to mandates and orders from the Civil Service
               Commission to fast track the addressing of the demands of the changing times. It has
               assimilated mechanisms and processes both mandated and initiated to support the teaching
               core in the course of its more than 30 years of existence.

                       The concept provided by the Civil Service Commission in the implementation of the new
               Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) in assuring efficient and effective of
               government service delivery served as the cornerstone of this manual.

                       With the attainment of quality, effectiveness and timeliness as the core of its activities,
               the university has reviewed the performance of the various faculty and non-teaching offices and
               levelled-off expectations among its staff. After such, target setting and determination of strategic
               and core outputs of points was made thru the Office Performance Commitment and Review
               (OPCR) form and the Individual Performance Commitment and Review (IPCR) form. It is
               expected that the new SPMS shall create a demand-driven and output-based environment and
               culture of service delivery. Underscoring the premise of outputs, the new system for all
               employees of the Isabela State University has spelled tangible outputs, methods and
               mechanisms of gauging effectiveness, in line with the delivery of the different functions.

               66  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
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