P. 64

A. Research Performance                             Point Equivalent
                               Number and scope of Researches (max 20)
                               Program-International                               20
                               Program- National/ Regional                         18
                               Program- Local                                      16
                               Project- National                                   16
                               Project- National/Regional                          14
                               Project- Local                                      12
                               Study- International                                12
                               Study- National/Regional                            10
                               Study-Local                                         8
                               Research Grants/Linkage Obtained (External)(15)
                               International                                       15
                               National                                            12
                               Local                                               10
                               R & D publications referred/non-referred (max20)
                               Refereed                                            15
                               International-Non-Referred (inc. conference proceedings   10
                               National/Regional- Non-Referred (inc. conference    8
                               Local- Non- Referred (inc. conference proceedings)   5
                               Participation in scientific gatherings (as chair, resource
                               person, coordinator, speaker) (10)
                               International                                       7
                               National/Regional                                   5
                               Local                                               3
                               B. Professional/Community Involvement (30%)
                               Recognition Awards (max. 10)
                               International                                       7
                               National/Regional                                   5
                               Local                                               3
                               Involvement in community activities (max. 10)
                               For every information/technology disseminated to clientele  5
                               as specialist or through IEC
                               No. of adaptors of research (9max 10)
                               More than 100                                       10
                               10-100                                              5

                              To recognize students with outstanding performance, Academic award is given to
                              students who meet the following requirements;

               64  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
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