P. 59

b.4    Best Organizational Unit Award – granted to the top organizational unit
                              which may be a section, division or office on the basis of meeting the
                              organization’s performance targets and other pre-determined criteria.

                              b.5    Cost Economy Measure Award – granted to a faculty or group of faculty
                              whose contributions such as ideas, suggestions, inventions, discoveries, or
                              performance of functions result in savings in terms of man-hours and cost or
                              otherwise benefit the agency and government as a whole. The monetary award
                              shall not exceed 20% of the monetary savings generated from the contribution.

                              b.6    Service Award – conferred to a retiring faculty whether under optional or
                              compulsory retirement schemes which shall be held during a fitting ceremony on
                              or before the date of the retirement.

                              b.7    Other Awards – such other awards which the University may decide to

                                     1)     Outstanding Punctuality and Attendance Award

                                     2)     Loyalty Award

                              c. Types of Incentives

                                     The Isabela State University shall continuously search, screen and
                              reward deserving faculty to motivate them to level up the quality of their
                              performance and promote excellence in public service.

                              As such, the following types of incentives shall be regularly awarded.

                              c.1)   Loyalty Incentive* – granted to a faculty who has served continuously and
                              satisfactorily the Isabela State University for at least ten (10) years and
                              succeeding years as follows:

                                            10 years       = Php 10,000.00

                                            15 years       = Php 5,000.00

                                            20 & 25 years    = Php 5,000.00

                                            30, 35 & 40 years  = Php 5,000.00

                              c.2)   Length of Service Incentive – given to an employee who has rendered at
                              least three (3) years of continuous satisfactory service in the same position. The
                              cash award shall be incorporated in the salary adjustment following the Joint
                              CSC-DBM Circular No. 1, s. 1990.

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