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meritorious cases, shall pay both the personal and government share, provided, the
employee on such leave without pay is not engaged in gainful occupation elsewhere
during the leave of absence, in which case he should be made to resigns.
➢ Present and/or cite policies on giving awards and/or recognition of faculty and students
with outstanding achievements
Lifted from Section 19 of the ISU Revised Faculty Manual (2016), the policies are the
Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE)
1. General Policy
An incentive awards system of the Isabela State University is hereby
promulgated to encourage creativity, innovativeness, efficiency, productivity, and uphold
integrity in the public service by recognizing and rewarding faculty either individually or in
group for their innovations, inventions, superior accomplishment and other personal
efforts that contribute to the improvement of public services in the university.
2. Specific Policies
The System shall:
a. adhere to the principle of providing faculty incentives and awards based on
performance, innovative ideas and exemplary behavior.
b. give award or recognition which shall include the conduct of timely
institutionalized on-the-spot recognition.
c. provide monetary or non-monetary awards and incentives to recognize and
acknowledge exemplary accomplishments.
d. grant monetary awards not exceeding 20 percent (20%) of the savings
generated only when the exemplary accomplishments and other personal
efforts result to monetary savings.
e. give cash incentive of P15,000 chargeable to the University allocation for
Staff Development to a Faculty who has finished at his/her own expense the
vertical Doctorate degree earned from a prestigious and reputable institution.
3. Functions
The PRAISE Committee shall:
a. identify, evaluate, monitor and document exemplary accomplishments on a
continuing basis;
b. formulate, reproduce, disseminate and orient the faculty on the provisions of
the PRAISE Manual;
55 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a I I I : C u r r i c u l u m a n d I n s t r u c t i o n / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p