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B) Keep the cash value of the unexpired portion of the leave commuted, but shall
                              start from zero balance.

                       Section 7.2.1 – No faculty personnel whose leaves have been commuted shall be
                       reappointed before the expiration of the leave commuted unless he chooses to refund
                       the equivalent of the unused portion of the leave commuted.

                       Section 7.2.2 – The unexpected service credits to faculty personnel on teacher’s leave
                       status who retire and/or resign shall be converted proportionally to vacation-sick leave
                       credits based on existing guidelines.

                       Section 7.2.3 – When a faculty personnel transfers from one government agency to
                       another, he can choose either of the following modes relative to his unused vacation
                       and/or sick leave credit, as follow; 1) have it commuted; and 2) have it transferred to his
                       new agency.

                       Section 7.3 –Application for vacation leave of absence for one full day or more, shall be
                       submitted on the prescribed form for action by the chief of agency and filled according to
                       existing university or CSC rules and regulations.

                       Section 7.4 – Application for sick leaves of absence fore one full day or more shall be on
                       prescribed form and shall be filed immediately upon the employee’s return from such
                       leave. Notice of absence, however, should be sent to the immediate supervisor and/or to
                       the office head. Application for sick leaves in excess of five days shall be accompanied
                       by a proper medical certificate.

                       Section 7.4.1 – Sick leave may be granted only on account of sickness or disability on
                       the part of the employee concerned or of any member of his immediate family.
                       Section 7.4.2 – Sick leave may be applied for in advance in cases where the faculty will
                       undergo medical examination or operation or advised to rest in view of ill health. Such
                       being the case, it will be supported by a medical certificate.

                       Section 7.4.3 – The approval of leaves of absence for any reason other than illness of
                       faculty personnel or any member of his immediate family must be contingent upon the
                       needs of the service. Hence, the grant of vacation leave shall be made on a case to
                       case basis.

                       Section 7.4.4 – Vacation leave shall be filed at least five (5) days before the date
                       effectivity of such leave.

                       Section 7.4.5 – Faculty personnel in the university who is separated in the service for
                       cause shall forfeit his leave credits.

               52  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
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