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Section 7.5 – Maternity Leave. Married women in the University who have rendered two
                       (2) years or more of continuous service shall, in addition on the vacation and sick leave
                       granted to them, be entitled maternity leave of sixty (120) days with full pay.

                       For those who have rendered less than two (2) years of government service at the time
                       of the enjoyment of maternity leave, the computation of their maternity leave pay shall be
                       proportionate to their length of service.

                       Section 7.5.1 – Maternity leave shall be granted to female married employees in every
                       instance of pregnancy irrespective of its frequency.

                       Section 7.6 – Any violation of the leave laws, rules or regulations, or any mispresentation
                       or deception in connection with an application for leave shall be a ground for disciplinary

                       Section 7.7 – Any officer or employee of University who may be called in accordance
                       with the National Defense Act on any pertinent decree for military training, or for regular
                       active duty may opt to be paid his salary in lieu of his pay from the Armed forces during
                       his absence for such purpose.

                       Section 7.7.1 – When a member of the faculty goes on voluntary military training under
                       the Armed forces of the Philippines, he shall apply for leave of absence. In case of his
                       application for training is approved, he shall not be entitled to his salary from the
                       University during his absence, provide, however, that his absence shall not curtail the
                       enjoyment of his leave privileges in the University upon his return. Absence without pay
                       during the period of voluntary military training shall not exceed one year. In case of
                       failure to return after the expiration of one year, he shall be automatically dropped from
                       the service of the University.

                       Section 7.8 – Sabbatical leave for a period of one year shall be granted to members of
                       the faculty who have rendered at least seven continuous years of every satisfactory
                       service during which is academic rank during the last 2 year is not lower than Associate
                       Professor I to undertake research, writing of instruction materials or the pursuit of special
                       fields of study. Such leave shall be approved by the Board of Regents and shall be
                       governed by the terms and conditions set by the university and the approving authority.
                       Approval of sabbatical leaves shall be based on the potential benefits to the university
                       programs that may accrue from such leave.

                       Section 7.8.1 – Compensation. For the period of the sabbatical leave actually approved
                       and enjoyed, the University shall pay full salary and other benefits entitled to which the
                       applicant is entitled as approved by the management. Such salary shall not be
                       considered as additional compensation for services rendered during the preceding

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