P. 48

No student shall graduate from the University unless he has completed at least one
                   academic year of residence work. The residence requirement of one (1) academic year must
                   be satisfied immediately prior to graduation.

               2.      IMPLEMENTATION

                   ➢  Describe the Program’s academic and graduation requirements and how they are

                          Upon enrolment, the students are required to submit documents in their department
                   such as Admission Form, form 137 for freshman and TOR for transferee. These are kept in
                   a folder for filing together with their permanent records and a checklist of curriculum. Each
                   student  is  furnished  with  a  checklist  for  reference.  An  evaluation  of  grades  is  conducted
                   each semester and students’ permanent records are updated as well.

                          Incoming fourth year students undergo a thorough evaluation which is conducted by
                   the program chair. Along with the evaluation is an advertisement period with regard to the
                   result of the evaluation. As per policy of the University, all graduating students for a specific
                   term/school year must fulfill all requirements for graduation prior to the conferment of their
                   respective degree/titles, that is, they must:

                   a.  Have completed all curricular/academic requirements evaluated both in the College
                       Secretary’s Office and the Registrar’s Office for conformity.
                   b.  Have a file of all required documents at the Registrar’s office to include live birth
                       certificate (NSO), Student’s Permanent Record (Form 137) and application for
                   c.  Have been cleared of all accounts and other responsibilities both in the Campus and in
                       the College/Institute.
                   d.  Have observed policies, rules, and regulations.

                          The graduation requirements and other academic policies, rules, and regulations are
                   disseminated during Campus orientation program which is done by the College/Programs
                   wherein the Campus Registrar serves as the speaker/lecturer.

               3.      OUTCOMES

                   ➢  Present a comparison of students who are able to graduate on time with the total
                       number of student enrollees.

               48  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
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