P. 46
Workshop in Basic Health 2021 Campus Ralliegh F.
Profession Education
1st Virtual Research July 31, ISU Echague Campus ISU Echague Vizcarra,
Colloquium on Public 2021 Campus Ralliegh F.
Administration and
Basic Laboratory Biosafety Jul, 2021 University of La Salette University of La Vizcarra,
and Biosecurity Online CMAMP Med Tech Salette Ralliegh F.
Workmanship Course Dept CMAMP Med
( BLBBW ) 2021 Capacity Tech Dept
Training Program
Mental Health in an Unequal October 28, ISU-Ilagan Campus ISU-Ilagan Vizcarra,
World 2021 Campus Ralliegh F.
➢ Present evidences that learning is efficiently and effectively managed.
o Policy on Attendance, Tardiness and Absenteeism (syllabus)
o Entrepreneurship Faculty members and students are guided by Course syllabus
bearing the allotted time to finish the given topic.
o Faculty members keep an E-class record of the results of exams, quizzes,
recitations, activities, projects and attendance.
o List of innovative teaching strategies
o list of students with violations etc.
o Seat plan
o Classroom Observations
o Suggestion Box (students feedback are addressed)
o Dialogue with parents if a students has problems regarding grades
o monitoring of faculty attendance in classes
o Learning contract signed by the faculty and student
o The Global Entrepreneurs Society continuously conducts trainings and seminars
for the students
➢ Cite as many best practices as you can on Parameter D (Management of Learning)
o Policies on learning management are provided and cover the following: (a)
students’ attendance in class and other academic activities, (b) schedule of
classes, (c) students’ discipline, and (d) maintenance of cleanliness and
o Policies on learning management are enforced;
o A mechanism for the monitoring and regulating of student activities is provided in
order to ensure that the same are well-planned and implemented;
46 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a I I I : C u r r i c u l u m a n d I n s t r u c t i o n / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p