P. 47

o  Assignments are designed to reinforce teaching which results to student’s
                              maximum learning;
                          o  Policy on the maximum class size is also enforced—in the case of the College,
                              the maximum allowable number of undergraduate courses is 50;
                          o  Classroom discipline is ensured and maintained based on a democratic and
                              egalitarian framework;
                          o  Class officers and regular students are designated in the maintenance of
                              cleanliness of the college’s facilities namely: classrooms, laboratories, corridors,
                              and school campus in general;
                          o  There is a mechanism that helps in encouraging and in monitoring the conduct of
                              students work and performance—encouraging them to be independent and
                              productive while doing so, particularly in the following: (a) case studies/reports,
                              (b) theses, and among others;
                          o  There is management of learning to ensure that the same is efficient and



                   ➢  Present and/or cite policies on program’s academic and graduation requirements.

                          In accordance with the ISU Revised Student Handbook of 2018, the following are the
                   institutional policies on program’s academic and graduation requirements:

                   a.  Filing of Application for Graduation

                       Graduating student shall be required to apply for graduation at the Office of the Campus
                   Registrar through the College Secretary within four (4) weeks after enrollment during his/her
                   last semester.

                   b.  Completion of Deficiencies

                       All candidates for graduation must have their deficiencies completed and cleared one
                   month before the end of their last semester at the University. For currently enrolled subjects,
                   requirements must be completed on or before the deadlines set by the campus.

                   c.  Completion or Residence Requirement

               47  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
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