P. 60
c.3) Career and Self-Development Incentive – granted in recognition of a
faculty who has satisfactorily completed a verticalized doctorate degree within or
outside the country at his/her own expense. He/she shall be given a cash
incentive of Php15,000 chargeable from the supplemental budget subject to
existing Staff Development Policies.
c.4) Other Incentives are those that the PRAISE Committee may recommend
on the basis of special achievements, innovative approaches to assignments,
exemplary service to the public and recognition by an outside group of a
particular achievement subject to existing statutory laws and regulations.
d. Other Forms of Awards and Incentives
The granting of the following awards and incentives are subject to existing
statutory laws and regulations and the approval of the University President:
d.1) Compensatory Time-Off – granted to a faculty who has worked beyond
his/her regular office hours without overtime pay.
d.2) Flexitime – work time arrangement allowed for qualified faculty who has
demonstrated responsibility, initiative, and capacity to produce output/result and
accomplishment outside of the workplace.
d.3) Personal Growth Opportunities- incentives which may be in the form of
attendance in conference on official business, membership in professional
organization, books, journals, tapes, travel packages and other learning
d.4) Trophies, Plaques and Certificates
d.5) Monetary Award
d.6) Educational Tours/Lakbay-Aral
d.7) Other Incentives - incentives in kind which may be in the form of
merchandise, computers, cellular phones or other forms of electrical gadgets
reserved parking space, recognition posted at the Wall of Fame, feature in the
university’s publication and others.
d. Statement of Commitment
The faculty shall commit to abide with the provisions of the Isabela State
University PRAISE which shall be the basis for the grant of awards and
60 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a I I I : C u r r i c u l u m a n d I n s t r u c t i o n / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p