P. 65

1.  For the President’s List, the student must obtain a General Weighted Average
                                 of 1.5 or above.
                              2.  For the Dean’s List, those full time students who obtain a General weighted
                                 Average of 1.75 or above at the end of each semester. A letter will be issued
                                 by the Registrar to notify him the citation for distinguish grant.
                              3.  For the graduate with honors, he must complete the course within the
                                 prescribed period for the curriculum and meets the following requirements;
                                     a.  Prescribed General weighted Average;
                                             i.  1.00 -1.20 -     Summa Cum Laude
                                            ii.  1.21 -1.45 -     Magna Cum Laude
                                            iii.  1.46-1.75  -     Cum Laude
                                     b.  Candidates with honors must not have been charged and found guilty
                                         of any gross violation of existing rules and regulation punishable by
                                         one (1) week suspension at the very least.
                                     c.  Candidates with honors must not have incurred a grade below 2.5 in
                                         any of his enrolled subjects whether it is academic or non-academic.
                                     d.  Must have completed at least 75% of total academic units required in
                                         his curriculum in the University.
                                     e.  Must have taken the normal load or the prescribed number of credits
                                         in the curriculum in each semester which is not less than fifteen (15)
                                         units but for some meritorious cases such as unavailability of subjects
                                         to be enrolled except his last semester where he will be allowed a
                                         lighter academic load.
                                     f.  Grades in all academic subjects/courses required whether taken at
                                         ISU or from another school, will be considered in the computation of
                                         the GWA except those of non-academic courses such as PE, NSTP
                                         and others.
                                     g.  Candidates must finish their courses within the prescribed number of

                   ➢  Present and/or cite policies on supervision/monitoring and evaluation of faculty
                       performance. To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the faculty, the University
                       established the Performance Evaluation System (PES) as approved by the CSC of as
                       promulgated by PASUC and approved by the Board of Regents.

               2.      IMPLEMENTATION

                   ➢  Describe the system of supervision of faculty performance.

                       In accordance with the Revised Faculty Manual (2016), the following policies are stated:

               65  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
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