P. 76
except authorized sick leave 1 – More than 30 days of absence except
authorized sick leave
Note: Data should be based on HR records
• For this purpose, authorized sick leave, scheduled leave, maternity leave,
paternity leave and privilege leave of absences are not included in the counting
of number of days absent. For Faculty on Vacation- Sick Leave (VSL) status,
counting of days of absence starts beyond the authorized 5-day Forced Leave or
3-day Privilege Leave. For Faculty who are on Teachers Leave (TL) status,
counting of days of absence starts beyond the authorized 3-day Privilege Leave
as per Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA) provisions.
Supervisor Rater – refers to the direct supervisor of the ratee who, by the nature
of his position or authority, assigns work to the employee, monitors and
evaluates the same on the basis of agreed targets. It is only the Supervisor who
rates the ratee both in the IPCR.
The Supervisor Ratee and the Employee Ratee shall identify and agree on who
the Peer Raters will be before the start of the rating period.
The Supervisor Ratee shall collect, tabulate, summarize all client ratings which
will be presented to the Employee Ratee during the consultation.
The Supervisor or the Employee Ratee shall objectively gather or collect
performance feedback from clients.
1. At the beginning of the rating period, individuals should submit their targets using the
IPCR form to be confirmed by the next higher supervisor. This will be submitted to
the Campus PMT for evaluation of Targets.
2. At the end of the rating period, the supervisor rater fill up the accomplishment portion
of the IPCR based on the targets prepared against the actual accomplishments. The
Quality (Q), Efficiency (E) and Timeliness (T) are used in giving each
accomplishment a numerical rating.
The IPCR form will be distributed by the Campus HR to all supervisors for the
assignment of points based from the documents submitted by their subordinates to
support the claims.
76 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a I I I : C u r r i c u l u m a n d I n s t r u c t i o n / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p