P. 81

Dean’s List                 ISU Echague Main Campus
                                  Summa Cum Laude             ISU Echague Main Campus
                                  Magna Cum Laude             ISU Echague Main Campus
                                  Cum Laude                   ISU Echague Main Campus

                   ➢  Describe Program outcomes in the last 3-5 years.
                          o  Graduates Performance in Licensure Examinations (if applicable)
                              - Not Applicable

                          o  Top-Performing Graduates in Licensure Examinations

                              - Not Applicable

                          o  Employability of Graduates

                      School Year        Number of Graduates    No. of Traced  Graduates    No. of Graduates Employed
                                                                                       Related to Specialization
               2017- 2018                       21                      5
               2018-2019                        30                     13
               2019-2020                         9                      1
               2020-2021                         4                  On-going

                              Describe the graduate’s employment pattern (e.g. employer, jobs taken, span of
                       time for one to get employment, etc.)

                              Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship aims to produce professional graduates
                       in different fields in business, marketing, finance and production, likewise in the
                       generation of print media and advertising, public relations, government service and non-
                       government organization. The course provides students with necessary communication
                       skills and technical competencies that will prepare them to be more productive in their
                       chosen fields. It helps in developing critical and analytical future media practitioners with
                       a high sense of social responsibility who can contribute jobs and eventually chipped in to
                       national economy through their taxes. The said program also aims to generate
                       knowledge relevant and responsive to the demands of the times.

                   ➢  Describe feedback mechanism from employees regarding the graduates’ performance.

               3.      OUTCOMES

               81  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   I I I :   C u r r i c u l u m   a n d   I n s t r u c t i o n / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85