P. 82
➢ Present evidences that faculty and students have commendable performances as a
result of administrative support.
➢ Present evidences that graduates of the program are employable.
o Tracer Study
o Certificates
Cite as many as you can on Parameter F (Administrative Support for Effective Instruction)
• There is an implementation of policies on the following: (a) substitution or special
arrangements in case a faculty member is absent or on leave, (b) furnishing of
awards and/or recognitions for faculty and students who displayed exemplary
achievements, and (c) supervision, monitoring, and evaluation of faculty
• Institutional policies on attendance of faculty members in their respective classes
and other academically related activities are implemented;
• There is a conduct of regular dialogues by the administration on matters relating
to the following: (a) conducting seminars/workshops on syllabi making, (b)
holding workshops on test construction and the corresponding table of
specifications, (c) conducting competency assessment, (d) conducting
supervisory visit of classes and providing assistance (whenever necessary), (e)
holding regular faculty meetings, (f) requiring consultations between students and
faculty, and (g) providing opportunities for the participation of the faculty in in-
service training activities;
• Application of periodic faculty performance evaluation on matters relating to
teaching and other functions, the same being done by the following: (a) the
Dean/Academic head/Department Chairperson, (b) the students, (c) the faculty
member himself/herself, (d) the faculty’s peers, and (e) others [that are included
but otherwise mentioned];
• Results of performance evaluation are employed as a guide in improving the
performance and competencies of the faculty;
• Recognition of students are given merit, whether in academic or non-academic
performances and/or activities;
• The immediately preceding item is recognized and encouraged through the
following: (a) inclusion of the list of graduates, (b) grant of tuition scholarships, (c)
awarding of honor medals and merit certificates, (d) grant of special privileges
among which includes opportunities for leadership among others (but excluding
exemption from major exams on all professional business subjects, and (e) grant
82 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a I I I : C u r r i c u l u m a n d I n s t r u c t i o n / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p