Page 78 - Diamicron MR MIG Cycle 2(20-21) Final
P. 78

dia bet es rese ar ch a n d c li nic a l p ra ct ice 163 ( 202 0) 10 8154  7

           Table 1 – (continued)
                                                                                               Patients (N = 1214)
             Disease history
             Disease duration (years)
               Mean (SD)                                                                       5.4 (5.7)
             Disease duration in classes (years), n (%)
               <5 years                                                                        358 (29.5)
                5 and  10 years                                                                131 (10.8)
               >10 years                                                                       107 (8.8)
               Missing data                                                                    618 (50.9)
             IDF-DAR risk categories, n (%)
               Category 1: Very high risk                                                      47 (3.9)
               Category 2: High risk                                                           155 (12.8)
               Category 3: Moderate/low risk                                                   993 (81.8)
               Missing data                                                                    19 (1.6)
             Patients advised not to fast, n (%)
               No                                                                              913 (75.2)
               Yes                                                                             297 (24.5)
               Missing data                                                                    4 (0.3)
             ACEi, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; CCB, calcium channel blocker; IDF-DAR, International
             Diabetes Federation - Diabetes and Ramadan; SD, standard deviation.
             *  Categories with  50 events.

                                                               point was the proportion of patients with  1 symptomatic
                                                               HE (either suggestive or confirmed), and secondary endpoints
                                                               included examination of HEs of any type as well as severe
                                                               HEs. The incidence of HEs was considered to be low in this
                                                               study, which is in alignment with other studies investigating
                                                               treatment with gliclazide (IR or MR) during Ramadan. A previ-
                                                               ous study examining hypoglycaemia in Muslims with T2DM
                                                               receiving sitagliptin or an SU during Ramadan showed that
                                                               only 6.6% of patients treated with gliclazide (IR or MR)
                                                               reported symptomatic HEs compared with 12.4% for glimepir-
                                                               ide and 19.7% for glibenclamide [7]. Another large observa-
                                                               tional study analysing the incidence of HEs in patients with
                                                               T2DM treated with glimepiride, gliclazide (IR or MR), or gliben-
                                                               clamide showed that 14.0% of those treated with gliclazide
           Fig. 2 – Antidiabetic treatment at baseline (v0). DPP4,  experienced  1 symptomatic HE during Ramadan, which
           dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor; GLP1 RA, glucagon-like  was notably lower than values reported for other SUs (gliben-
           peptide-1 receptor agonist; MR, modified release; SGLT2i,  clamide [25.6%] and glimepiride [16.8%]) [9]. Additionally, the
           sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor; TZD,      proportion of patients treated with gliclazide (IR or MR) with
           thiazolidinedione.                                   1 symptomatic HE during Ramadan was reported to be as
                                                               low as 1.8% in one study (compared with glibenclamide
                                                               [5.2%] and glimepiride [9.1%]) [10]. Switching T2DM patients
           ders and cardiac disorders. A low rate of serious AEs was  taking gliclazide MR as monotherapy in the morning to an
           observed. Eleven serious AEs were reported during the trial  evening administration during Ramadan resulted in a low
           in 11 (0.9%) patients, with six occurring during Ramadan. No  percentage of patients reporting HEs (2.2%) [15]. Results pre-
           patients experienced any drug-related AEs during the trial.  sented here therefore confirm data from previous studies
           Three fatal events were reported during the study. One  showing that patients treated with gliclazide during Ramadan
           patient died from a cardiovascular disorder, one from a small  are at low risk of hypoglycaemia. Interestingly, the percent-
           intestine carcinoma, and one from leukaemia. These events  ages of patients reporting HEs in studies with gliclazide MR
                                                               (i.e., this study and [15]) are lower those reported in studies
           occurred outside of the Ramadan period and were not
           attributable to gliclazide treatment.               where patients received either gliclazide IR or MR.
                                                                 The reduced rate of HEs with gliclazide compared with
                                                               other SUs could be explained by differences in its pharma-
           4.     Discussion                                   cokinetic and pharmacodynamics properties, mechanism of
                                                               action and insulin excretion profile [13]. SUs stimulate secre-
           DIA-RAMADAN was an observational, real-world study that  tion of insulin from pancreatic b-cells via a blockade of ATP-
           explored the safety and efficacy of gliclazide MR treatment  sensitive K-channels (K ATP ), resulting in membrane depolari-
           during fasting associated with Ramadan. The primary end-  sation, calcium influx and insulin release [16]. While gliben-
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