Page 73 - Diamicron MR MIG Cycle 2(20-21) Final
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2                        di ab e t es re s e ar ch and c lin i c a l p ra ct ic e 16 3 (20 20) 1 0815 4

                                           (V1) was conducted 4–6 weeks after the end of Ramadan. The primary endpoint was the
                                           proportion of patients reporting  1 symptomatic HE. Changes in HbA 1c , fasting plasma glu-
                                           cose (FPG), and body weight were secondary endpoints.
                                           Results: The proportion of patients reporting  1 symptomatic HE during Ramadan was low
                                           (2.2%) with no reported severe HEs. There was a significant reduction in HbA 1c ( 0.3%), FPG
          Diabetes mellitus
                                           (–9.7 mg/dL), body weight ( 0.5 kg) and body mass index ( 0.2 kg/m ) between V0 and V1
          Type 2
          Gliclazide                       (p < 0.001).
                                           Conclusions: Patients with T2DM treated with gliclazide MR during Ramadan have a low risk
          Fasting                          of hypoglycaemia and maintain glycaemic control and weight while fasting.
                                           Ó 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
                                                             NC-ND license (

          1.     Introduction                                 immediate (IR) and modified release (MR) formulations of gli-
                                                              clazide have been shown to exhibit a low risk of hypogly-
          Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a major global health issue, and the  caemia during Ramadan when compared with other SUs
          number of people suffering from DM is projected to increase  [7,9,10]. The newer MR formulation of gliclazide allows for
          dramatically over the coming decades. While an increase of  progressive release of the drug using a once-daily regimen,
          51% is expected globally between 2019 and 2045, higher  with evidence of a lower risk of hypoglycaemia compared
          increases have been projected in the Middle East/North Africa  with glimepiride. The glucose control in type 2 diabetes: gli-
          (96%) and Southeast Asia (74%) [1]. Type 2 diabetes mellitus  clazide MR vs. glimepiride (GUIDE) study previously reported
          (T2DM) is the most common form of diabetes, representing  50% fewer confirmed hypoglycaemic events (HEs) with gli-
          approximately 90% of all cases [1]. There are reported to be  clazide as well as improvements in glycaemic control over
          more than 1 billion Muslims in the world [2], with the major-  the study period [13]. However, the safety and effectiveness
          ity being resident in the Asia-Pacific region, Sub-Saharan  of gliclazide MR treatment during a period of religious Muslim
          Africa and the Middle East/North Africa [3]. Ramadan is a per-  fasting has not yet been studied in a real-world setting.
          iod of religious fasting observed by Muslims during the ninth  Here, we present results from DIA-RAMADAN, a real-world
          lunar month of the Islamic calendar and is one of the five pil-  study conducted in 2019 to explore the safety and effective-
          lars of Islam. As the intake of oral antidiabetic drugs (OADs)  ness of gliclazide MR in patients with T2DM who are fasting
          during daylight hours is forbidden during Ramadan, adequate  during Ramadan.
          glycaemic control can be especially challenging for patients
          with T2DM. Many Muslims with diabetes have an optimistic  2.  Methods
          view of Ramadan and insist on fasting as they perceive the
          fasting period to be favourable for their health and well-  2.1.  Study design
          being [4]. The risks associated with fasting, including hypo-
          glycaemia due to decreased food intake during daylight  DIA-RAMADAN was an international, real world, prospective,
          hours, and hyperglycaemia due to reductions in the doses  observational study conducted in clinical centres from nine
          of antidiabetic medications and altered diet, may increase  Asian and Middle-Eastern countries (Bangladesh, Egypt,
          the likelihood of acute complications [5]. Hence, the Interna-  India, Indonesia, Kuwait, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia
          tional Diabetes Federation (IDF) and Diabetes and Ramadan  and United Arab Emirates). According to the observational
          (DAR) International Alliance have developed practical guideli-  nature of the study, study investigators were instructed to
          nes for the management of DM during Ramadan [6].    manage patients according to their standard clinical practice,
             Numerous OADs are available that allow patients with  regardless of study participation. Two patient visits were
          T2DM to effectively achieve glycaemic control, including met-  planned according to IDF-DAR guidelines [6], one occurring
          formin, sodium-glucose transport protein 2 inhibitors (e.g.,  pre- and one post-Ramadan (Fig. 1A).
          canagliflozin, dapagliflozin, empagliflozin), dipeptidyl pepti-  The first (inclusion) visit (V0) was planned 6–8 weeks prior
          dase 4 inhibitors (vildagliptin, sitagliptin, saxagliptin), thiazo-  to the start of Ramadan. After obtaining informed consent,
          lidinediones  (pioglitazone),  and  sulphonylureas  (SUs;  patient demographics and eligibility for the study were evalu-
          glimepiride, gliclazide, glibenclamide, glipizide). In addition,  ated and a physical examination was performed to collect
          injectable drugs such as glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor ago-  data on height, body weight, blood pressure and heart rate.
          nists (e.g., liraglutide, lixisenatide, exenatide) are also avail-  Patients were advised about changes required to the timing
          able. Treatments that allow patients with T2DM to stabilise  of their gliclazide MR dose during the month of Ramadan
          blood glucose levels whilst carrying a low risk of hypogly-  according to current IDF-DAR guidelines at the discretion of
          caemia during fasting are highly valuable. While concerns  the treating physician [6]. The patient’s glycaemic profile
          have been raised about the risk of hypoglycaemia associated  (HbA 1c and fasting plasma glucose [FPG]) was examined at
          with the use of SUs during Ramadan [6], a number of studies  baseline. Patients were provided with a diary at V0 in order
          have demonstrated that the majority of second-generation  to report on the following points throughout the study: (1)
          SUs can be used safely while fasting [7–12]. In particular,  Any changes in their recommended antidiabetic treatment
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