Page 70 - Diamicron MR MIG Cycle 2(20-21) Final
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ZACCARDI ET AL.                                                                                   2425

          were sparse on the doses of the two index medications. Weight and  data. Codes used to define the cohort, medical conditions, medica-
          body mass index were not recorded over time, preventing analysis of  tions and outcomes are reported in the Appendix. Statistical codes are
          difference in these outcomes. Furthermore, the ascertainment of hyp-  available from the corresponding author (F.Z.).
          oglycaemic events was based on those recorded in clinical practice
          records and events leading to hospitalization. The HES APC reported  AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
          severe events (i.e. resulting in hospitalization), which may lead to  Francesco Zaccardi: study design; data collection and cleaning; statis-
          under-reporting of non-severe events. The CPRD, on the other hand,  tical analysis; manuscript draft. Freya Tyrer, Kamlesh Khunti: study
          reports both severe and non-severe hypoglycaemic events, but makes  design; writing manuscript; critical revision for important intellectual
          no distinction between classifications. Finally, although the durability  content. Emmanuelle Jacquot, Viviana Cortese, Samuel Seidu, Melanie
          and persistence of glycaemic control may reflect adherence to T2D  J. Davies: writing manuscript; critical revision for important intellec-
          drug therapy, medication adherence was not directly measured in this  tual content.
             Overall, to our knowledge, this was the first study directly com-  PEER REVIEW
          paring the real-world effectiveness of gliclazide MR and sitagliptin as  The peer review history for this article is available at https://publons.
          second-line treatments for patients with T2D. In this hd-PS matched  com/publon/10.1111/dom.14169.
          population, gliclazide MR was more effective than sitagliptin for
          reducing HbA1c <7.0% (53 mmol/mol) and ≤6.5% (48 mmol/mol),  ORCID
          with numerically higher but low rates of hypoglycaemic episodes and  Francesco Zaccardi
          similar durability and persistence. These data provide evidence that  Melanie J. Davies
          gliclazide MR has an important role in clinical practice and further  Kamlesh Khunti
          investigations on dose, other safety outcomes and patient weight are
          needed to elucidate the entire risk-benefit profile of this medication.  REFERENCES
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