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           A real-world study in patients with type 2 diabetes

           mellitus treated with gliclazide modified-release
           during fasting: DIA-RAMADAN

           Mohamed Hassanein       a, * , Saud Al Sifri , Shehla Shaikh , Syed Abbas Raza , Javed Akram ,
           Agung Pranoto , Achmad Rudijanto , Inass Shaltout , Md Fariduddin ,
           Wan Mohd Izani Wan Mohamed , Fatheya Al Awadi , Thamer Alessa                  k
           on behalf of the DIA-RAMADAN study investigators          1
            Department of Endocrinology, Dubai Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
            Al Hada Military Hospital, Taif, Saudi Arabia
           c Department of Endocrinology, Saifee Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
            Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Center, Lahore, Pakistan
           e  University of Health Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
            Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University/Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia
           g  Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University/Dr. Saiful Anwar Hospital, Malang, Indonesia
            Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
           i Department of Endocrinology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
            Department of Medicine, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia
           k  Dasman Diabetes Institute, Kuwait City, Kuwait
           A R T I C L E I N F O            ABSTRA CT
           Article history:                 Aims: To explore the real-world safety and effectiveness of gliclazide modified release (MR)
           Received 3 February 2020         in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) fasting during Ramadan.
           Received in revised form         Methods: DIA-RAMADAN (NCT04132934) was a prospective, international, observational
           9 April 2020                     study conducted in nine countries. Patients >18 years of age with T2DM (N = 1244) were
           Accepted 10 April 2020           examined at an inclusion visit (V0) occurring 6–8 weeks before the start of Ramadan.
           Available online 21 April 2020   Patients received a diary to report treatment changes, hypoglycaemic events (HEs), and
                                            other adverse events. Gliclazide MR was taken once daily for 14–18 weeks. A second visit

            * Corresponding author at: Department of Endocrinology, Dubai Hospital, Al Khaleej Street, Al Baraha, PO Box 7272, Dubai, United Arab
              E-mail address: (M. Hassanein).
              Dr. Ahmad Gad, Dr. Rulli Rosandi, Dr. Ahmed Obyedallah, Dr. Seif Kamal, Dr. Albert Anwar Zaky, Dr. Soebagio Adi, Dr. Amr Aly, Dr.
           Sony Wibisono, Dr. Ashraf Shaaban, Dr. Talaat Abd El Atty, Dr. Ashraf Shehata, Dr. K.D. Modi, Dr. Bahaa Sharaf El Deen, Dr. Kunal Kundan
           , Dr. Benny Santosa, Dr. M.A. Sayem , Dr. Bowo Pramono, Dr. Mahboob Iftekhar , Dr. Budi Santoso, Dr. Maruf Bin Habib , Dr. Ehab Eltoraby,
           Dr. Moazam, Dr. Essam Fathallah, Dr. Morshed Ahmed Khan , Dr. Fatimah Eliana, Dr. Nazma Akter , Dr. Franciscus Xaverius Suharnadi,
           Dr. Nusrat Sultana , Dr. George Shaker, Dr. Shahjada Selim , Dr. Ghada Abdelrahman, Dr. Shahjamal Khan , Dr. Hendra Zufrie, Dr. Sharat S
           Kolke, Dr. Himawan Sanusi, Dr. Sunil Dhand, Dr. Ida Ayu Khsanti, Dr. Supratik Bhattacharyya, Dr. Jeyakantha Ratnasingam , Dr. Syed
           Nazim Ahmad, Dr. Kamal Karim, Dr. T.R. Sivagnanam, Dr. Laksmi Sasiarini, Dr. Yogesh Kadam, Dr. Makbul Aman, Dr. Eva
           Niamuzisilawati, Dr. Mohab Abd El Hafez Taha, Prof. Azizul Hasan Aamir, Dr. Mohamed Abo El Maaty, Prof. Norlaila Mustafa, Dr.
           Mohamed Anwar, Prof. Imtiaz Hasan, Dr. Mohammad Robikhul Ikhsan, Prof. Yakoob Ahmadani, Dr. Mohsen Khaled.
           0168-8227/Ó 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.
           This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
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