Page 69 - Diamicron MR MIG Cycle 2(20-21) Final
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2424                                                                                       ZACCARDI ET AL.

             (A)                                              (B)

          FIGURE 3   Kaplan-Meier curves for durability and persistence. A, Treatment durability, defined as the treatment duration until stop, switch or
          add-on of a new glucose-lowering drug. B, Treatment persistence, defined as the treatment duration until stop or switch, regardless of add-on
          glucose-lowering drug. MR, modified release. Log-rank test: durability, P = .135; persistence, P = .119

          TABLE 2   Comparison of the probability of achieving glycated haemoglobin level of <7.0% (53 mmol/mol) with gliclazide MR versus sitagliptin
          in subgroups according to baseline characteristics
                                Gliclazide MR vs. sitagliptin
                                HR (95% CI)        Number of participants  Number of events    P-value for interaction
             Men                1.47 (1.20, 1.79)  1176                    391                 0.187
             Women              1.18 (0.93, 1.52)   810                    255
             South-east Asian   1.11 (0.46, 2.67)    62                     20                 0.656
             White European     1.37 (1.05, 1.78)   691                    224
            Baseline kidney disease
             Yes                1.33 (0.92, 1.93)   316                    113                 0.954
             No                 1.35 (1.14, 1.60)  1670                    533
            Baseline CVD a
             Yes                1.73 (1.28, 2.34)   558                    177                 0.056
             No                 1.23 (1.02, 1.47)  1428                    469

          Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; CVD, cardiovascular disease; HR, hazard ratio; MR, modified release.
          a Chronic coronary syndromes, cerebrovascular accident, heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, other vascular diseases.

          between populations. hd-PS matching of populations from claims or  measurements for the baseline covariates used for hd-PS matching.
          other databases uses algorithms to select covariates and match  HbA1c measurements in patients with controlled glycaemia may be
          patients, mitigating selection bias and managing confounding factors,  less frequently reported in real-world studies. Furthermore, while we
          resulting in real-world treatment groups with similar characteristics. 16  used three HbA1c outcomes to compare the two medications, it
          As randomized trials comparing all combinations of individual T2D  should be noted that individualized HbA1c targets are increasingly
          medications are not feasible, hd-PS matching is a cost-effective tool  suggested and used in clinical practices. Background information on
          that can be used to examine comparative effectiveness in electronic  metformin dose was also not well recorded for most of the included
          health record databases. 16                          participants; therefore, a proportion of patients may have received
             Because of the non-interventional nature and similarly to other  lower doses of metformin because of factors such as gastrointestinal
          investigations using routinely collected electronic health records, this  side effects at the time of prescription of a second-line therapy. Physi-
          study has limitations. Data quality of outcomes and other covariates  cians may be more likely to prescribe an SU to patients on low-dose
          were not standardized across all centres contributing to the CPRD.  metformin because of gastrointestinal side effects than other medica-
          Thus, there may be variation in data entry or methods used to record  tions that might worsen gastrointestinal side effects. Similarly, data
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