Page 75 - Diamicron MR MIG Cycle 2(20-21) Final
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4                        di ab e t es re s e ar ch and c lin i c a l p ra ct ic e 16 3 (20 20) 1 0815 4

          (e.g., hypoglycaemia, AEs, routine visit), physical examination  dose, frequency and duration of treatment. Concomitant
          results and available blood glucose assessments were  medications contra-indicated according to the gliclazide
          recorded in the eCRF. All data were monitored regularly dur-  SmPC were forbidden during the study. Patients who discon-
          ing the study.                                      tinued gliclazide MR treatment were withdrawn from the
          2.2.   Participants
                                                              2.4.  Endpoints
          Patients who met the following inclusion criteria were
          included in the study: patients >18 years of age with T2DM,  The primary endpoint of the study was the proportion of
          which was defined according to current American Diabetes  patients with  1 symptomatic HE (either suggestive or con-
          Association (ADA) guidelines (i.e., an FPG measurement  firmed by a measured glucose concentration  3.9 mmol/L
           126 mg/dL, a two-hour blood glucose level  200 mg/dL in  [14]). Secondary endpoints included change of HbA 1c , FPG,
          an oral glucose tolerance test or an HbA 1c  6.5% [14]); con-  and weight between V0 and V1 as well as the proportion of
          trolled or suboptimally controlled T2DM; treated with gli-  patients with  1 confirmed HE (asymptomatic or symp-
          clazide MR for at least 90 days prior to the start of the study  tomatic). The proportion of patients with  1 HE of any type
          (inclusion visit), either as monotherapy or in combination  and  1 severe HE were also examined.
          with any other diabetes treatment except insulin; experience
          with self-monitoring of blood glucose; patients willing to fast  2.5.  AEs
          during Ramadan; body mass index (BMI)  25 kg/m 2  and
           45 kg/m .                                          For all AEs reported during the study, the treating physician
             Patients who met the following criteria were excluded  assessed the potential relationship with the study drug, the
          from the study: requiring insulin therapy; severe liver or renal  seriousness of the reported AE and the clinical outcome.
          failure; HbA 1c  9%; contraindication to gliclazide according to  AEs were reported in the eCRF before the results of any addi-
          the summary of product characteristics (SmPC), including  tional investigations or the clinical outcome were deter-
          treatment with miconazole; pregnancy or breast-feeding; pre-  mined. Any serious AEs were entered immediately into the
          vious severe or repeated HEs without a triggering factor  eCRF, and the results of any additional investigations were
          within the year prior to the start of the study.    sent to the sponsor. Serious AEs were defined as events that
             The study was conducted in accordance with the Declara-  fulfilled at least one of the following criteria: death; hospital-
          tion of Helsinki. Approval was obtained from local institu-  isation or prolongation of hospitalisation; important medical
          tional review boards, ethics committees and regulatory  event;  life  threatening;  disability/incapacity;  congenital
          authorities (if applicable). All patients provided informed  anomaly; AE upgraded by the sponsor. AEs reported during
          written consent to participate in the study. The trial was reg-  the study were coded with MedDRA version 19.0.
          istered on (NCT04132934).          HEs were defined in this study according to the following
                                                              criteria: Confirmed asymptomatic HE – absence of typical hypo-
          2.3.   Study treatments                             glycaemia symptoms (e.g., sweating, pallor, tremor, intense
                                                              hunger, pounding heart, visual disturbance, drowsiness,
          Patients were treated with breakable gliclazide MR 60 mg  weakness, dizziness, difficulty in concentrating, difficulty in
          tablets for at least 90 days prior to the start of the study. Gli-  speaking or writing, incoordination, unexplained behaviour
          clazide MR was taken orally once daily at breakfast according  or mood change, confusion, nausea or headache) but with a
          to the SmPC until the beginning of Ramadan. According to  measured glucose concentration <70 mg/dL (<3.9 mmol/L);
          guidelines established by the IDF-DAR [6] to guide standard  confirmed symptomatic HE - presence of typical symptoms of
          clinical practice during Ramadan, patients were advised by  hypoglycaemia and a measured glucose concentration
          their physician to take their gliclazide MR at iftar (i.e., the   72 mg/dL ( 4 mmol/L); suggestive HE - presence of typical
          post-sunset meal). The investigator defined the daily gli-  hypoglycaemic symptoms without a measured glucose con-
          clazide MR dose according to individual patient requirements  centration or a measurement of >72 mg/dL (>4 mmol/L); sev-
          and local guidelines (if available). Dose adjustment was at dis-  ere  hypoglycaemia  -  symptoms  of  severe  cognitive
          cretion of the investigator according to routine practice and  impairment and requiring third-party assistance for recovery
          local guidelines, if applicable. After Ramadan was complete,  with  a  measured  glucose  concentration  <70  mg/dL
          the timing of gliclazide treatment was resumed according to  (<3.9 mmol/L).
          pre-Ramadan levels. Treatment adherence was calculated
          using the following equation: (Sum of number of intakes  2.6.  Statistical analysis
          taken during Ramadan/Sum of number of intakes to be taken
          during Ramadan)   100. As this was a real-world study,  Two-sided statistical tests (paired t-test or Wilcoxon Signed
          patients continued receiving concomitant treatments for  Rank test) were applied, with the type I error (alpha) set to
          DM, hypertension, dyslipidaemia and other associated dis-  5%. The Wilcoxon Signed Rank test was applied in cases of
          eases at the discretion of the investigator and according to  strong violation of normality. Statistical analyses were per-
          usual clinical practice. Any treatments could be initiated dur-  formed by Aixial (Boulogne-Billancourt, France). Analyses
          ing the study if deemed beneficial for the patient. The use of  were conducted using SASÒ software, version 9.4 or higher
          concomitant medications was documented, including the  (SAS Institute, North Carolina, USA).
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