Page 7 - SSAB Welding Handbook Edition 2
P. 7

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                                                                                      Welding handbook 1.0 Index


                17.0   Repair welding of structures             22.0   Hardening mechanisms in the heat-affected zone
                                                                      and the unaffected parent metal
                     17.1   The planning of repair welding   101
                     17.2   Realization of the weld repair    102     22.1   The grains                    127
                                                                      22.2  Grain refinement               128
                                                                      22.3  Solid solution hardening       130
                18.0   Non-destructive evaluations                    22.4  Precipitation hardening        130
                     18.1   Visual testing                 104
                     18.2   Penetrant testing              104
                     18.3   Magnetic particle testing      106  23.0   The influence of the alloys and contaminants on
                     18.4   Ultrasonic testing             107        the Hardox and Strenx grades
                                                                      23.1   Carbon (C)                     131
                                                                      23.2  Manganese (Mn)                  131
                19.0   Stud arc welding                               23.3  Chromium(Cr) and molybdenum (Mo)  132
                                                                      23.4  Nickel (Ni)                    132
                     19.1   Stud arc welding methods       111        23.5  Boron (B)                      132
                     19.2  Studs                           112        23.6  Niobium (Nb), titanium (Ti), vanadium (V)
                     19.3   The objective of the ferrule    112           and aluminum (Al)                132
                     19.4   The objective of the shielding gas   113  23.7  Silicon (Si)                    133
                     19.5   Objectives related to short cycle welding     113  23.8  Sulfur (S) and phosphorus (P)   133
                     19.6   The welding performance        113        23.9  Nitrogen (N)                    133
                     19.7   Precautions prior to welding   114        23.10 Hydrogen (H)                   134
                     19.8   Preheating                     115        23.11  Copper (Cu)                   134
                            The preheating process         115
                     19.9   Post-weld heat treatments      116
                     19.10  Evaluation of properties in stud welds   116

                20.0  Hardfacing
                     20.1   Surface appearance of the steel   118
                     20.2  Characteristics of the buffer layer   118
                     20.3  Characteristics of the hardfacing layer   119
                     20.4  Preheat temperatures            120
                     20.5  Levels of heat input            120
                     20.6  Recommendations regarding other welding parameters  120
                     20.7  Crack phenomena during hardfacing    120
                            Relief cracks                  121
                            Underbead cracks               121

                21.0   Microstructures in the heat-affected zone
                     (HAZ) and the unaffected parent metal
                     21.1   Austenite                      123
                     21.2   Martensite and tempered martensite   124
                     21.3   Bainite                        124

                  This handbook contains general suggestions and information without any expressed or implied warranty of any kind. SSAB hereby expressly disclaims
                    all liability of any kind, including any damages, in connection with the use of the information and for their suitability for individual applications.   7
                   It is the responsibility of the user of this brochure to adapt the recommendations contained therein to the requirements of individual applications.
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