Page 9 - SSAB Welding Handbook Edition 2
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Welding handbook 2.0 Introduction
2.0 Introduction
This handbook involves welding technology for are informational. These chapters relate to the
Hardox and Strenx plates without endings of: properties of the Hardox and Strenx grades without
MC, MC PLUS, PLUS, CR, OME and XF. addressing specific welding recommendations.
The absolute majority of Hardox wear plate steel These three chapters are:
and Strenx high strength steels are subjected 4 Microstructures in the heat affected zone (HAZ)
to welding. Therefore, in order to utilize the full and the unaffected parent metal
potential of welded structures, knowledge of 4 Hardening mechanisms in the heat-affected zone
welding technology related to these steel grades is and the unaffected parent metal
4 The influence of alloys and contaminants on the
Hardox and Strenx grades
The principal areas of welding technology are
material technology, industrial engineering, and
the mechanics of materials. The objective of the In this handbook references are made to:
welding handbook from SSAB is to describe and 4Our TechSupport documents which give further
provide recommendations for a wide range of information regarding a certain topic. Each
weldability aspects within these fields. Especially TechSupport addresses a given area such as
emphasized, are the mechanical properties and the measures for avoidance of discontinuities and
material technology of welded structures in examples of suitable brand names for consumables
Hardox and Strenx.
4Our Software WeldCalc™ allows users to to
optimize their welding performance based on
When welding technology is considered from
the early stages of product development through the specific conditions and the requirements of
the completion of the manufacturing process, their welded structure. WeldCalc can be attained
substantial benefits can be gained. Well-planned in two formats, the desktop version and the app
engineering can optimize the performance of version. The most extensive functions is found in
welded structures in both technical and the desktop version.
economical terms.
TechSupports can be found and downloaded
from our home page A user
This handbook can be read from start to finish or
individual chapters can be referred to regarding licence for WeldCalc™ can be obtained through
specific topics. The majority of the chapters address registration on the same home page.
theories, recommendations and suitable procedures
within a certain field. However, the last three chapters
This handbook contains general suggestions and information without any expressed or implied warranty of any kind. SSAB hereby expressly disclaims
all liability of any kind, including any damages, in connection with the use of the information and for their suitability for individual applications. 9
It is the responsibility of the user of this brochure to adapt the recommendations contained therein to the requirements of individual applications.