Page 13 - SSAB Welding Handbook Edition 2
P. 13

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                                                  Welding handbook 3.0 The thermal cycle of a welding performance

                3.0 The thermal cycle of a welding performance

                The welding process subjects a joint to a localized    k x U x I x 60
                thermal heat treatment wherein the joint attains   Q  =
                                                                        v x 1000
                mechanical properties and microstructures that are   Q   =   Heat input [kJ/mm]
                different compared to that of the unaffected parent   U   =   Voltage [V]
                metal.                                            I   =   Current [A]
                                                                  v   =   Welding speed [mm/min]
                Welding properties are of vital concern for SSAB   k  =   Thermal efficiency [dimensionless]
                during the development of the Hardox and Strenx
                grades. As a result, these steels can achieve favorable   Recommended heat inputs for welding the Strenx and
                properties in the joint.
                                                                 the Hardox grades are found in chapter 5.

                The principal purpose of this chapter is to describe   3.2 The heat-affected zone
                which parameters affect the thermal heat treatment
                in the joint.                                    The complete part of the parent metal that is influenced
                                                                 by the thermal cycle of the welding procedure is called
                                                                 the heat-affected zone (HAZ). The other main areas in
                3.1 The heat input                               the joint are the unaffected parent metal and the weld
                                                                 metal, see fig. 3.1.
                The heat input from a welding method depends on the
                applied current, voltage and speed and it describes the
                delivered energy/ length of the joint.

                During welding there is loss of energy in the arc. The
                thermal efficiency factor (k) expresses that part of   1.  Unaffected parent metal
                the heat input that is transferred to the joint during   2.  Heat affected zone, HAZ
                                                                  3.  Weld metal
                the welding process. This parameter depends on the
                welding process being used and the specific welding   Fig. 3.1: The principal parts of the joint
                conditions. Approximate values for different welding
                methods are according to table 3.1.              The characteristics of the thermal heat treatment from
                                                                 welding are of crucial importance for the mechanical
                 Thermal efficiency   k [dimensionless]          properties and microstructures in the HAZ. Its outcome
                 MMA                 0.8                         depends primarily on:
                 MAG, all types      0.8                         4 The position in the joint
                 SAW                 1.0
                 TIG                 0.6                         4 The level of heat input
                                                                 4 The plate thicknesses in the joint
                Table 3.1: The thermal efficiency factors for different welding methods.
                                                                 4 The type of joint
                                                                 4 The preheat temperature, when applicable
                The heat input that is transmitted to the joint can be
                calculated according to the following formula.

                  This handbook contains general suggestions and information without any expressed or implied warranty of any kind. SSAB hereby expressly disclaims
                    all liability of any kind, including any damages, in connection with the use of the information and for their suitability for individual applications.   13
                   It is the responsibility of the user of this brochure to adapt the recommendations contained therein to the requirements of individual applications.
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