Page 14 - SSAB Welding Handbook Edition 2
P. 14

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          3.0 The thermal cycle of a welding performance Welding handbook

          As an example, the thermal cycles during a welding      There is no need to calculate the t  value but it
          performance, at different locations in a joint, are   facilitates a good understanding of the thermal
          illustrated in fig. 3.2.
                                                            treatment in the joint due to the welding process.
                                                            Another name for t  is t  and the definition is the
                                                                             8/5  8/5
                                                            same for both symbols.
                       1                                   When the t  value is determined, it is most often
                                                           calculated but it can also be measured. However,
                                                           studies have shown that measuring t  can be difficult
                      T                                                                  8/5
                       2                                   due to sources of errors in the measurement techniques.
                                                           SSAB recommends that the t  value is only calculated.
                      3                                    Evaluations of the t  value show that it is mostly
                            T                              constant throughout different parts of a joint as long
                             0                        x
                                                           as the peak temperature in the joint reaches above
                Initial plate temperature
                                                           900°C during the welding process.
              Welding                                      The mechanical properties of toughness, static strength
                                                           and hardness in the HAZ are affected by the thermal
                                                           cycle of the welding process. In many cases, when
                 Position                                  welding Strenx grades, the impact toughness in the
                 of arc
                         1                                 HAZ is an important parameter to consider. The
                          2                                minimum impact toughness value is normally reached
                                                           in the part of the HAZ located closest to the weld
          Fig. 3.2: The heating / cooling rate and the peak temperature    metal where the peak temperature has reached levels
          decrease with increased distance to the arc.
                                                           between ~1500°C down to ~1100°C. This zone is
                                                           called the coarse grained HAZ (CGHAZ).
          3.3 Description of the thermal cycle              If the t  value for a certain welding situation is not
                                                            calculated, appropriate t  values are automatically
          The thermal cycle of welding can be defined by the                    8/5
          cooling time in the HAZ between 800°C and 500°C.   attained if all other welding recommendations are
          This parameter is called the t  value, and it is    followed for the Strenx grades. Recommended t
                                   8/5                      values for these steel grades are presented in chapter 5.
          illustrated in fig. 3.3:
                                                            For the Hardox grades the recommended t
                                                            values are not as emphasized as for Strenx. The
            Temperature [°C]
                                                            reason is that the mechanical properties in the
                                                            joints are typically not as high as for Strenx.
                                                            However recommended intervals t  values exist.
           1400                                                                           8/5
                                                            These intervals depends both of the Hardox grade
                                                            and its plate thickness range. The exact values can
            800                                             be found in the software WeldCalc developed by
                                                           The following example illustrates the effect on the
                                                 Time [s]
                                                           thermal cycle when welding a joint with different
          Fig. 3.3: Schematic diagram for a thermal heat treatment in the part   parameters. In this case, a single-V butt weld with a
          of the HAZ situated closest to the weld metal.   plate thickness of 5 mm is welded using two different
                                                           heat inputs, according to fig. 3.4.
          14      This handbook contains general suggestions and information without any expressed or implied warranty of any kind. SSAB hereby expressly disclaims
                    all liability of any kind, including any damages, in connection with the use of the information and for their suitability for individual applications.
                   It is the responsibility of the user of this brochure to adapt the recommendations contained therein to the requirements of individual applications.
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