Page 15 - SSAB Welding Handbook Edition 2
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Welding handbook 3.0 The thermal cycle of a welding performance
During two-dimensional heat flow the t value
1600 increases by: 8/5
1400 4 Increasing heat input
Case 1: 4 A rise in the preheat temperature
Temperature [°C] 1000 Case 1: 4 Decreasing plate thickness
Q=0.5 kJ/mm
Q=0.8 kJ/mm
The second situation, known as three-dimensional
200 heat flow, occurs when each weld pass represents
0 a small part of the plate thicknesses in the joint.
0 200 400 600 During this situation, heat flow is added to the
Time [s]
thickness direction of the parent metal, compared
with the situation of two-dimensional heatflow.
Case 1) Case 2) Three-dimensional heatflow is illustrated in fig. 3.6.
Type of joint: single-V butt joint Type of joint: single-V butt joint
Pt*: 5 mm Pt*: 5 mm In this case, the t value increases with a rise in the:
Q: 0.5 kJ/mm Q: 0.8 kJ/mm 4 Heat input
Welding method: MAG Welding method: MAG
t : 7 s t : 20 s 4 Preheat temperature
8/5 8/5
Preheat temp: 20°C Preheat temp: 20°C
During three-dimensional heat flow, the t value is
*Plate thicknesses throughout the joint. independent of changes in the plate thickness of the
Fig. 3.4: Thermal cycles in the coarse grained zone of a butt joint joint.
welded with two different heat inputs.
3.4 The calculation of the t value
The use of the software WeldCalc, from SSAB,
facilitates easy determination of the t value for a Fig. 3.6: Three-dimensional heat flow.
given welding situation. If the t value is calculated
manually, the procedure will take more effort. The
procedure according to the European Norm 1011-2 Fig. 3.7 illustrates the determination of whether a joint
is now described. is subjected to two- or three-dimensional heat flow.
Two different principal situations call for the calcula- 40 3
tion of the t value. The first is for joints with small 30
plate thicknesses. During this situation, the heat flow 150°C 100°C 20°C
in the joint from the welding performance is mainly 20 Tp=250°C 200°C
perpendicular to the plate thickness and along the joint. 4 4
This type of heat distribution is called two-dimensional 10
heat flow, see fig. 3.5. In this case, each weld pass
corresponds to a large fraction of the plate thickness
of the joint. 5
0,5 1 2 3 4 5
1 Plate thickness [mm]
2 Heat input [kJ/mm]
3 Three-dimensional heat flow
4 Two-dimensional heat flow
Tp = Preheat temperature [°C]
Fig. 3.5: Two-dimensional heat flow. Fig. 3.7: Assessment of type of heat flow in the joint.
This handbook contains general suggestions and information without any expressed or implied warranty of any kind. SSAB hereby expressly disclaims
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It is the responsibility of the user of this brochure to adapt the recommendations contained therein to the requirements of individual applications.