Page 10 - SSAB Welding Handbook Edition 2
P. 10

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          2.0 Introduction Welding handbook

          2.1 The Hardox and Strenx grades                   HBW
          Starting with the steel processing at SSAB, the    700
          complete range of Hardox and Strenx grades
          are designed for favorable weldability. The        600
          selection of the chemical alloy content together   500
          with the extremely low levels of contaminants for
          each individual steel grade contributes to these   400
          conditions. In addition, the steel processing at   300
          SSAB is developed in a manner that supports        200
          beneficial properties in the joints of these steel
          grades.                                            100
          Each Hardox and Strenx grade has a datasheet                       Wear resistant steel
          stating its unique mechanical properties. These
          documents list the maximum chemical content for   Table 2.1: The stated hardness values for the Hardox grades. Hardox
                                                           HiTuf and Hardox 400-Hardox 600 have guaranteed hardness
          each element in the steel. The alloy composition   values while Hardox Extreme has typical values.
          varies for different plate thicknesses within each
          steel grade. The reason being that each plate
          thickness behaves differently during the production   The fundamental mechanical property of wear
          process and the alloy composition for a given    resistant steel is a high hardness value in the
          plate thickness is adjusted in order to optimize its   unaffected parent metal. Other mechanical
          properties. The typical outcome is that the level of   properties for this kind of steel are important but
          alloys and contaminants in each plate thickness,   normally not as crucial as the hardness value.
          for all Hardox and Strenx grades, is lower than the   Therefore, Hardox grades are developed with a
          stated maximum values.                           guaranteed hardness range, with the exception of
                                                           Hardox Extreme which is stated with typical
          A common factor shared by all Strenx and         values. Typical yield strength and impact toughness
          Hardox steels is that they can be welded to all   as well as minimum impact toughness are stated
          other weldable steels using any conventional     for certain Hardox grades.
          welding process.                                 All Hardox grades are weldable. The welding
                                                           technology of the Hardox grades share commonalities
                                                           with the Strenx grades. However, the requirements
          The Hardox grades                                for the mechanical properties in joints of Hardox are

          Hardox grades are wear resistant steels with high   normally less extensive than those of Strenx.
          hardness as well as high strength. The complete
          range of Hardox grades with corresponding        Minimizing the risk of hydrogen cracks in joints is
          hardness values are illustrated in table 2.1.    important for both Hardox and Strenx. In general,
                                                           as the hardness and strength of the steel increases,
                                                           so does the susceptibility to hydrogen cracks.
                                                           Accordingly, the most stringent demands are placed
                                                           on the Hardox grades with the highest hardness

          10      This handbook contains general suggestions and information without any expressed or implied warranty of any kind. SSAB hereby expressly disclaims
                    all liability of any kind, including any damages, in connection with the use of the information and for their suitability for individual applications.
                   It is the responsibility of the user of this brochure to adapt the recommendations contained therein to the requirements of individual applications.
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