Page 11 - SSAB Welding Handbook Edition 2
P. 11

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                                                                               Welding handbook 2.0 Introduction

                values. SSAB addresses this issue in the general   Strenx grades can be ordered based on specific impact
                welding recommendations. By following these      toughness requirements. Most commonly, Strenx
                recommendations, the risks for hydrogen cracks   grades can be ordered with different impact toughness
                are minimized.                                   requirements of 27 J or more measured at certain
                                                                 temperatures. Requests at -40ºC are the most com-
                The Strenx grades                                mon. The actual mechanical properties for Strenx
                                                                 steel plates will typically exceed the guaranteed mini-
                Strenx high strength steels achieve a combination
                of very high strength and toughness. The minimum   mum yield strength, tensile strength and, especially,
                yield strength for the different Strenx grades is    the impact toughness.
                illustrated in table 2.2.
                                                                 The typical impact toughness of the joint for all
                                                                 Strenx grades can also have a value of at least
                                                                 27 J measured at -40°C and, in many cases, they
                                                                 are considerably higher.
                  R  [MPa]
                   600       ©SSAB
                   200    Strenx  Strenx  Strenx  Strenx  Strenx
                                    Structural steel

                Table 2.2: The Strenx grades can be ordered with the displayed
                minimum yield strengths. Strenx 700, Strenx 900 and Strenx 960
                with plate thicknesses above 53.0 mm have slightly lower min yield
                strengths than the diagram illustrates. The data sheet for each
                steel grade gives more information in this respect.

                  This handbook contains general suggestions and information without any expressed or implied warranty of any kind. SSAB hereby expressly disclaims
                    all liability of any kind, including any damages, in connection with the use of the information and for their suitability for individual applications.   11
                   It is the responsibility of the user of this brochure to adapt the recommendations contained therein to the requirements of individual applications.
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