Page 32 - Riding On No.157 Summer 2022
P. 32
The Great Women’s Motorcycling
Clothing Dilemma. What can we do?
The timing of being asked to write about women’s motorcycle clothing are intact and unmarked, but it remains a slow process.
gear also coincided midway through six months of frustration
while replacing most of my very worn-out gear. To put it simply, On a brighter pleasing note, there is an increasing amount
if you are female and not sized either 12 or 14, the process is of women’s gear entering the market. A google search found
not quick or simple. I do not want to discount that men also many new small Australian businesses designing fashionable
find issues with fitting and supply, but the common discussion riding clothing, but, often only for the around-town commuter
I have experienced with female riders is that finding suitable market, and again for a limited sizing range. Bikers Gear
gear is challenging. This article is limited to mostly touring Australia has always supplied a good, reliable range of budget
and adventure gear, and does not consider other areas of women’s clothing, with generous sizing options. The more
motorcycling, such as off-road clothing, of which I have no mid-range retailers, such as Peter Stevens, AMX Superstores,
experience. MCA Superstore, and AMA Warehouse supply brands such as
DriRider, Motodry, RJays, and Draggin Jeans for sports, touring,
Firstly, why is it so difficult? On a global scale, the Australian as well as a small amount of adventure gear, but there haven’t
motorcycling market is only 2%. Of that 2%, only 20% of the been any real changes in the last five years. The higher end of
Australian market is female. The harsh reality for our female the market has recently seen a big improvement in women’s
demographic is that we only represent 0.004% of the global clothing. Klim, Rukka, and Held have all designed a variety of
market. Hence, there isn’t a lot of consideration out there quality, comfortable, practical, and smart-looking offerings.
by clothing and safety manufacturers. One could argue, if
manufacturers invested in female customers, more would take Most brands of gloves supply a reasonable range at all budget
up riding, equating to more customers. levels, and the same for touring boots. Finding adventure boots
for women is nearly impossible, unless you want full-offroad
From my own experience, I find no fault in our great local MX boots. I wear a men’s Alpinestar Toucan boot with a gel
retailers themselves; they are regularly let down by the insert quite successfully. Schuberth is the only company I could
international suppliers, who do not communicate with them find that claims to have a helmet designed for the female head
about delays, or supply issues, leaving both the retailer shape.
and customer waiting in limbo for too many months. I have
ordered riding gear only to be told months later that it isn’t I purchased a Klim jacket, which is the first time I have a
available anymore, or manufacture is not due yet. This has combined waterproof, well-ventilated jacket that’s perfectly
left me without the desired product for an event, trip, or the fitting, with plenty of movement in the shoulders, but I had to
complete collapse of my old gear, for which I had ordered the pay the big bucks for all the ticked boxes.
replacement months in advance.
Fortunately, there appears to be a change in attitude by the
Secondly, why is this so important? Most women I know have designers of women’s gear, but the mid-range level has not
been forced to wear ill-fitting men’s clothing, which is both seen any real change in the last five or so years, and could
uncomfortable and potentially dangerous, as the protective benefit from some research on what we, as a demographic,
elements aren’t placed over the correct parts of the body they need. An example is a recent move away from press studs
are supposed to protect. Long, baggy clothing can catch on in the upper part of jackets to Velcro. If you have long hair,
the bike, will move, and could potentially come off during an it often gets caught in the Velcro. Also, there is the lack of
accident. Tight clothing can restrict movement, slow reaction adjustability around the hips and waist.
times, and cause accidents and injury. Discomfort can induce a
quicker onset of fatigue. Women riders and pillions need to be given opportunities
for input regarding design, delivery, and available, real-life
A third challenge is aninability to try on clothing. It is a known sizing, and manufacturers need to act on this information.
fact that women’s sizing is a guessing game. I had been The motorcycling world is big out there, and shouldn’t
alternating between a size 16 summer jacket and a size 22 inhibit a female from enjoying it comfortably and safely. My
winter jacket without any change to my weight. It is hard to only suggestion is that we must become a loud voice, and
find retailers within a capital city, where you can try on gear communicate this to the manufacturers, but they, too, must
before purchasing, and almost impossible in regional or rural listen and act.
areas. Many online retailers now include helpful sizing charts,
and are offering a 30-to-60 day return policy if the tags and Holly Fields #54062