Page 3 - NLH Newsletter June 2022
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Presidents Bowling Club. This should once again be
an enjoyable weekend with the highlight
being our Secret Santa event. There will
Report also be a ride organised for the Saturday in
Winter has finally arrived with a cold blast the local area around North Haven.
Our Branch social meeting will be held on
of Antarctic weather hitting the region over Saturday 11 June at Wallsend Diggers
the last week bringing strong winds and Sports Club. Come along and join us for a
some sprinkling of snow to the Barrington bistro meal and social meeting starting at 6
Tops. The real downside to this year’s PM, catch up with old friends and enjoy the
weather has been the effects on our roads social side of the Ulysses Club.
with local Councils and road maintenance An item to put in your diary is our
workers unable to keep up with the Bunnings BBQ fundraiser to be held at
deteriorating road conditions. I attended our Wallsend Bunnings on the 3 September
mid-week ride to Ettalong this month, all be 2022, the day before Father’s Day. This is a
it in a tin top, and I was amazed at the bad big day and does require a lot work on the
state of many of the secondary roads that day with people required to man the BBQ
we used on the day. In a few areas we from 8 AM through to 5 PM. We are
virtually had to nearly stop to negotiate putting together a roster that will be
through some of the potholed sections. available at our social meeting on Saturday
Unfortunately, it will most likely be many and if you could spare a few hours of time
months, if not years, before the condition of on that day we would appreciate your help.
these roads will be bought up to a All funds from this day will be donated to
reasonable standard. UCARF, which is the Ulysses Club’s
During the month we held another preferred charity which provides 100% of
successful BBQ at Brisans Motorcycles, it money raised to arthritis research, a truly
is very hard to predict how these days will worthy course, which impacts on all of us.
go as you are at the mercy of the weather, Let us all hope for some sunny days so we
and on the day, there was wind and rain to can all get out there and enjoy the rides.
contend with. To our surprise we had to Keep healthy and safe. Mike Abberfield
chase extra sausages and bread to meet the #8158
demand. Many thanks to those hard-
working members who regularly turn up to
help on these days.
Plans are well under way for our Christmas
in July weekend at North Haven, to date we
have had about 30 members confirm that
they are attending and the committee has Happy birthday to-
decided that the cut-off date to book will be
17 June 2022. If you have not already
booked your intention to the secretary, and Louise Goodwin
you intend to join us, please advise John as
soon as you can. I have been in contact with
the Port Macquarie and Mid North Coast No Wedding
Branch and they will be joining us for the Anniversaries this month
Saturday evening dinner at the North haven