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m | 0448 336 111 National President’s Report
By the time this Riding On On the weekend of 12-14 November 2021, I was pleased to
gets to all the members, be present at the Yarra Ranges Branch Twin Spurs Rally at
we should be looking much Marysville, as was the National Secretary, Sharryn, and our
better on the Covid front. Rally Coordinator, Blue. Despite the only recent lifting of some
At the time of writing, the restrictions on numbers, the Branch committee did a sterling
border between Victoria job putting the event together. In attendance were current and
and New South Wales and past members of the Yarra Ranges branch, members from other
South Australia are open, branches and many attending the Victorian Breakfast Club
at least to those that are gathering on the Saturday at Marysville. As always the food and
double vaccinated. It’s entertainment was top shelf.
been a rocky ride for many
of us and there is still I think that we are all looking forward to a positive 2022, with
some way to go. There are the opening of state borders and lifting of many restrictions.
many members concerned We can only hope that next year will see the Ulysses Club gain
about the immediate future and the upcoming National Rally both new and returning members taking our numbers back to
in Warwick. The National Committee has had enquiries about nearer the 12,000 mark once again.
the implications of being vaxed or unvaxed. The only advice we
FDQ RHU LV DV SHU RXU VWDWHPHQW EHORZ UHFHQWO\ VHQW RXW WR DOO As this will be the last report before Christmas, my wife
members: Marjorie and I would like to wish all of our members a happy
festive season, together with family and friends once more. We
³7KH 8O\VVHV &OXE ,QF GRHV QRW KDYH D VSHFL¿F SROLF\ UHJDUGLQJ know that many of you have missed out on precious family time
Covid 19. We advise that all members of the Ulysses Club Inc with kids and grandkids, even parents in some cases. Make the
are subject to the rules and restrictions in place as applicable EHVW RI WKH WLPH \RX KDYH WRJHWKHU 2XU IDPLO\ ZLOO ¿QDOO\ JHW D
in their particular State or LGA. This applies to attendance chance to have a get together on Boxing Day and as always eat
at functions, restaurants, cafes and rides etc where there is too much food. So merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to
the likelihood that restrictions to numbers apply and/or there you all. Above all be safe so we can meet up next year.
is a requirement to show proof ofvaccination. The Ulysses
Club Inc. does not have the power to rescind or avoid any
governmentimplemented restrictions.Therefore we urge all Henry Rokx
members to be aware of the restrictions that apply in your state
or LGA and abide by those rules.”
#28636 DM#45
The last 18 months have been a challenge and I believe National President
that next 12 months could be challenging as well, while we
all get our heads around getting some freedoms back while
still restricted in our ability to travel interstate or coping with
be easier to go overseas than go interstate. We can only hope
that things start going back to somewhere close to normal as
soon as possible. And in the meantime, I urge all members to
treat each other with respect and understanding as everyone
has their own circumstances to consider, especially where
medical issues are involved.
now open for business again. Linda will be getting orders NATIONAL
cleared as quickly as she can. In fact by the time this Riding ADMINISTRATION
On is published we will most likely have been caught up. Most
branches are back to having social gatherings and rides.
We recently received the sad news that one of our Ulysses
Club founders, our esteemed No. 2, Bill Van, passed away 7KH 1DWLRQDO $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 2FH ZLOO FORVH
RQ 2FWREHU %LOO ZDV WKH ¿UVW 1DWLRQDO 7UHDVXUHU IRU over the Christmas – New Year period from
the period 1983 to 1986. Bill did leave the Ulysses Club for a 4:30p.m.Wednesday, 22nd December 2021 and
short period but returned and has been a very well respected re-open 8:30a.m. on Wednesday 5th January
member of the Manning Valley Branch for some time. There will 2022.
be a memorial ride for Bill on the 11th of December. Details can
during this period – your message is sent as H PDLO WR RXU VWD VR WKH\ ZLOO EH DEOH WR DQVZHU
Branch-193924487295706 your enquiry upon return to work.
Preparations are well underway for the upcoming National Rally
in Warwick from 4 to 10 April 2022. We are hoping that our
Covid problems will be worked out by then and we are hopeful
of having a well organised, successful event.