Page 9 - RidingOnSummer
P. 9

e  |            National Committee Member
        m  |  0418 92 5081

                                It’s been great to see New South   becoming an important money saving option by a number of our
                                Wales and Victoria reaching high   enthusiasts. If you have a friend who is into vintage or classic
                                vaccination rates that is now   bikes, please let them know about the scheme, it may be a way
                                allowing those states to open up   of introducing a new member to your Branch. Tasmania and
                                and allow travel between them.   Northern Territory are the only states not covered at present.
                                December will see more states   Contact me and I will direct you to the relevant State Registrar.
                                planning to open their borders
                                to both those states, albeit with   I will take this opportunity to remind members and especially
                                various restrictions to protect   Branch Committee members that there is a Ulysses Club Member
                                against Covid outbreaks.        Handbook 2020 that can be downloaded from the Ulysses
                                                                Website under the Members Document tab. A lot of work has
                                Unfortunately, my state of Western   been done to have the handbook updated and it clearly explains
                                Australia is lagging behind     the requirements and responsibilities of running a branch. One
                                somewhat on the vaccination rollout   important responsibility of the Branch Committee is to annually
                                and although we have had unlimited   update the Branch Committee Contact Form after the branch
        freedom to travel within WA and other non-restricted states,   AGM. The form is available online and completion is important
        we have a feeling of the Sword of Damocles swinging above us,   WR WKH H໤HFWLYH DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ RI WKH 8O\VVHV &OXE DQG IRU WKH
        dreading Covid may come and challenge our freedom. Hopefully   information of the National Committee.
        the New Year will see Western Australia once again fully open the
        border to all states.                                   , KDYH DOO ¿QJHUV DQG WRHV FURVVHG DW WKH PRPHQW WKDW DOO ERUGHUV
                                                                will be well and truly open by next March so I can make my way
        Being restricted, I have joined the other National Committee   to the April National Rally in Warwick. Unfortunately, my little
        members from afar over Zoom meetings. By the third meeting   travel mate Chloe is no longer with me, but hopefully my new little
        , EHOLHYH , ¿QDOO\ VRUWHG WKH ULJKW EXWWRQ WR SXVK  ,W KDV EHHQ D   pal TedE will be up for the adventure to follow in her pawsteps.
        credit to Linda in keeping the Club Administration running during
        WKH FKDQJH RI R໥FH ORFDWLRQ DQG GHDOLQJ ZLWK WKH ORFDO DUHD   Wishing you all a safe and happy festive season.
        lockdowns. As per Robert’s report, operations will be back to
        normal by the time you read this.
                                                                Ken Eaton
        In the Spring Edition our President Henry Rokx listed a number
        of advantages of being a Ulysses member. One advantage of   #51189 DM#67
        membership not mentioned was that of the Historic Club Plate   National Committee Member
        Scheme. It may not be of use by the majority of members but
        bikes registered under the scheme are now well over 1400, so

                                                                                                    RIDING ON  9
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