Page 8 - RidingOnSummer
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e  |                      National Treasurer’s Report
                                                             e  |
        m  |  0429 002 411                                   m  |  0423 379 848

                               National Treasurer’s Report –   secure hard copy for branch people to peruse at meetings or
                               Riding On No. 153 Summer 2021  VRFLDO JDWKHULQJV  :H KDYH LGHQWL¿HG WKRVH ZKR DUH PLVVLQJ
                                                             copies and additional copies will be produced and distributed
                               The end of year 2021 is rapidly   with this edition of Riding On.
                               approaching and I am sure every
                               member will remember the year   We are hopeful of still being able to run the 2022 Rally
                               for the COVID disruptions and   in Warwick, Qld. Clearly with the Omicron variant just
                               lockdowns as well as one or two   emerging at end November we will be watching government
                               VLJQL¿FDQW SHUVRQDO UHDVRQV  :LWK   pronouncements very closely. The takeout on all the COVID
                               the lockdowns and movement    rules for Warwick is that we will run a COVID safe Rally obeying
                               restrictions the activities of the   ALL the government health orders in place at the time. I
                               Club and its Branches have been   think at the very least, these will involve limitations regarding
                               severely compromised. Getting   unvaccinated people attending. I can only implore those
                               away for a ‘decent ride’ has been   members wishing to attend Warwick to get fully vaccinated as
                               a challenge with changing COVID   soon as possible.
        rules meaning lots of last minute cancellations. I am hoping to
        ride to the NatCom meeting scheduled in Great Western, Vic.   Notwithstanding my statement in the last edition of Riding On
        early February 2022 and then meander around the Grampians.   not to continue on NatCom I have decided to fall back from the
                                                             Treasurer’s role but continue as an ordinary committee person
        Our trading position has been hit by the cancellation of the   (if elected). Further comments on this matter appear elsewhere
        2021 Rally scheduled for Mandurah, WA. This resulted in   in this magazine.
        additional costs in staging the Orange Odyssey and AGM in
        early May. I have now wound all associated costs into the   Finally, best wishes to all members and readers of Riding On
        Club’s accounts and this shows we lost $20,263 in respect of   for a happy and safe Christmas and New Year. Also I should
        Mandurah/Orange events. The one excellent thing associated   UHPLQG PHPEHUV WKDW WKH 1DWLRQDO 2໥FH ZLOO EH FORVHG IURP
        with Mandurah is that Dave Wright, #51871 has secured   COB Wednesday 22nd December until 8:30a.m. Wednesday 5th
        $12,000 (part of WA Police sponsorship) to be used to produce   January 2022.
        road safety videos. With the Rally losses now included in our
        we should make surpluses in Nov-Dec21 and it appears our   John Osborne
        loss the net worth of the Club will still exceed $0.5mil.  #41785
                                                             National Treasurer
        This edition of Riding On will be the second ‘on-line’
        distribution. The distribution of the Spring edition went
        relatively smoothly although there was one glitch in our order
        system - we did not recognise multiple copy orders in our mail
        out list. These multiples were from Branches which wanted to

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