Page 13 - RidingOnSummer
P. 13
Letters To The Editor
Editor, Editor,
Re: Club Plate Scheme: A big Thank You to the owner/manager of
Lightfoot Engineering in Mont Albert, Victoria.
I recently had a phone call from Paul Butler, the Victorian Co-ordinator I am planning an extensive trip overseas on an
for the Club Plate Scheme, to ask me if I still had my two motorcycles. Africa Twin and asked him about converting the
tubed tyres to tubeless tyres on the bike. This
As it turns out, I had sold them earlier this year and had neglected to let gentleman (I forgot to ask his name!) provided
Paul know, which, is one of the requirements of the Scheme. the best advice money can buy, not only about
We are very fortunate to have these volunteers in our Club that give the conversion issues but about possible rim
WKHLU SUHFLRXV WLPH DV D EHQH¿W WR DOO WKH RWKHU PHPEHUV DQG WKH\ GRQ¶W issues, spoke issues and other information which
need people like me making it any harder. could save lives. To discuss these matters took
a chunk of time out of his day. A truly great
I would like to take this opportunity to remind other members when ambassador of the motorcycling community.
they sell their club plated bikes or any other details are changed, to Congratulations.
please let their respective CPS Co-ordinator know.
Mike Dawson #54403
Ian Boucher #4183 East Maitland NSW
Central Highlands, Ballarat.
To the Editor, Editor
I’ve heard from a lot Ulysses Club Members saying that the cost of being With covid restrictions easing in September, a
a member is expensive. I don’t agree it is expensive when compared ULGH VRPHZKHUH ZDV GH¿QLWHO\ RQ WKH FDUGV
with joining other ‘Clubs’ & I DO NOT mean the Clubs that are Bowling, Having been to Reggies (Tattersalls hotel)
Sports, Golf & Surf Clubs, as these are less expensive based solely on at Baradine before, I threw the idea for an
the cost of membership. overnight ride out there. Being only 400ks from
0\ GH¿QLWLRQ RI D VLQJOH LQWHUHVW FOXE LV 8O\VVHV 0RWRUELNH 5LÀH home here at Gloucester with good roads, 10 put
FDU \RX GULYH )O\LQJ &OXEV $HURSODQH RU *OLGHU WKHVH LQ P\ YLHZ DUH Leaving Thursday morning 23rd September, we
‘Single Interest Clubs’ and similar to the Ulysses Club Inc.. went to Nowendoc for a mandatory bladder stop,
then to Tamworth via Port Stephens Cutting for
I have been online or phoned some of these clubs asking the cost of fuel, then to Gunnedah for a bite to eat. Great
membership & the Ulysses Club is one of the less expensive National & run across to Coonabarabran through Mullaley
International Clubs to join. ZLWK RQO\ PLQRU URDG ZRUNV WRS R IXHO WKHQ XS
I have recently become a member of two clubs that are like the Ulysses to Baradine 40ks away arriving 3:30pm.
Club Inc. a single interest club.
Sue, the publican, was waiting for us and I can
The membership for one of the clubs I joined recently cost $128/Year
with a monthly glossy magazine & the other is $138/Year with a monthly rooms were spotless. Great accommodation,
glossy magazine. excellent food and beverages. Bikes secured in
back yard, great company and a top host (Sue).
A three year membership of the Ulysses Club Inc. is $110 that is $36.67/
Year with a Quarterly Glossy Magazine till some months ago. Coming home the next day through
I pay the same $110 for my membership of the Ulysses Club as you 6SULQJ 5LGJH 3XE KH PDGH H[FHOOHQW FRHHV
do. My three year membership costs me $30 much less than your was beautiful. It might be worthwhile doing a
membership as every couple of years I do a Motorcycle Skills Training short overnight run to the Ridge. The publican
course so I get rid of bad habits and learn to ride a little better. is a rider too. Up to Tamworth for lunch at
Nemingha Hotel which was very good, then
The reason my membership costs me much less than your membership home over the mountain. All up we did 800klms
is that I claim the $80 motorcycle skills training rebate from the approximately with no hurry to get anywhere
1DWLRQDO 2FH 6R OHW¶V NHHS LW VLPSOH « 8O\VVHV &OXE 0HPEHUVKLS quickly and that’s the pleasure of going
minus the $80 Motorcycle Skills Training leaves $30 for a three year VRPHZKHUH ZLWK WHUUL¿F FRPSDQ\ WR ULGH ZLWK DQG
membership. enjoy.
I don’t do ‘Track Days’ as some do, I don’t want or need to go faster ( PS) Give Sue a call at Reggies Baradine and
than the speed limit for the road I’m riding. The reason I do motorcycle book a room or two for your mates, you’ll enjoy
skills training is that if I can learn to corner or brake better than I the roads and company. (ph no 0467900153).
currently do or just improve on any other rider skills it is money well
spent. Steve Pennicuik #69411
With thanks, Peter Macpherson. #66577