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Candidates National Committee 2021

                               Ken Eaton #51189 DM#67         Black Dog and I Ride With Chloe Dementia Charites, I
                                                              nominated and was accepted to be your representative as part
                               Position Sought: National      of the National Committee at the 2021 Orange Rally. It has
                               Committee Member               been a pleasure to give back something to the Club.
                               The 2022 Warwick National Rally   My duties on the Nation Committee has been the role of
                               in April coincides with my 14   committee minute taker and Club Plate Scheme liaison. A steep
                               years of returning to motorcycle   learning curve for me but I have enjoyed the involvement and
                               riding after an extended lapse of   learning what is involved in running this great club. In this
                               several years. Two months after   strange year of Covid, the NatCom has accepted the challenge
                               nervously remounting a bike, I was   of implementing changes to enhance the management and
                               a member of the Ulysses Club, an   future functioning of the Club and it’s Branches. I’m proud to be
                               organization that has become part   part of that passionate team but realise there is still and always
                               of my Life over those 14 years.   will be work to do.
        Not only did I safely regain the skills of motorcycle riding, the
        members associated with the Joondalup Branch gave me that   I have always encouraged younger membership and new ideas
        wonderful feeling of social involvement and enjoyment of being   into the Ulysses and now ask for your continued support for
        part of a fantastic group of likeminded people from all over   the next Committee Year, especially with an aim to help our
        Australia interested only in motorcycles, fun and charity. This is   Branches develop and keep the Club a fun organisation in line
        why I am a Ulysses Member.                            with our ideals and motto.
        After involvement as a committee member with the Joondalup   I urge all members to vote for your preferred candidate, either
        Branch, including several years as President, involvement in   at the rally or by postal vote, to keep a strong, united and
        WestOZ Ulysses Branch activities, the UCARF Patch Campaign,   relevant Ulysses Club into the future.

                             Name: - John Osborne #41785      and is ineligible for the role.
                             Position Sought:- Ordinary       Given that neither nominee live close to our National
                             Committee Person                 $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 2໥FH WKH WUHDVXU\ KDQGRYHU SURFHVV IRU PH ZLOO
                                                              be prolonged. I believe the Club needs a person close to the
                             Members maybe be surprised to    R໥FH WR FDUU\ RYHU WKH WUHDVXU\ DFWLYLWLHV ZKLOVW WKH QHZ SHUVRQ
                             see my name and face in the list of   ¿QGV WKHLU IHHW  *LYHQ , DP UHVLGHQW LQ 16: , FDQ FRQWLQXH
                             people nominating for the National   LQ WKH 3XEOLF 2໥FHU UROH DV D FRPPLWWHH SHUVRQ ZHOO DZDUH
                             Committee to be elected at the   of NatCom issues and help the new incumbent as required.
                             2022 Warwick AGM. I have been    7KLV DUUDQJHPHQW ZLOO QRW KDYH WKH VDPH LQÀH[LEOH FRQGLWLRQV
                             appealing for a member to assume   WKDW , KDYH IRXQG WKDW WKH WUHDVXUHU IDFHV ZLWK VWD໤ SD\V  ELOO
                             my role as Treasurer for two years   payments etc. which run to a rigid schedule.
                             now since my term was to end in
                             accordance with the three (3) year   I joined the Club in 2005 and immediately associated with the
        rule in our Constitution. Up until now I have been unsuccessful   (Sydney) Northern Beaches Branch where I have been active
        in my search but this year there has appeared interested   in Branch ride activities and Sydney Thursday rides. I intend to
        members to take on the role. There is however a problem with   continue these activities as they are an important way to ensure
        the nominees; neither nominee resides in NSW and hence   one stays in touch with the concerns of grass roots members
        ERWK LQHOLJLEOH WR IXO¿O WKH UROH RI 3XEOLF 2໥FHU XQGHU WKH 16:   and that being a member of Ulysses Club is always fun.
        Associations Act, the Act under which the Club is registered.
        Our constitution nominates the National Secretary as the Public   John Osborne #41785

                             Nomination for National Secretary  and then Branch president for a number of years.
                             I would like to nominate to continue   After the transition to National Committee in 2019, I held the
                             in the role of National Secretary for   role of MAOTY Liaison and Historic Plate Scheme Liaison for two
                             the Ulysses Club Inc., a position   years, before accepting the position of National Secretary at
                             that I have held for the last twelve   Orange in 2021.
                                                              Over the past year I have more or less settled into the role
                             I joined the Ulysses Club in 2004   but, being 2021, it has been a challenging year and certainly
                             after much cajoling by a friend who   wasn’t what I, and indeed others, expected. But now we are
                             was a member, and while I was    looking forward to the continued easing of restrictions and the
                             initially hesitant about joining I am   re-opening of borders so we can attend and enjoy more rallies,
                             very glad that I did. The people   more Branch visits, and more riding and of course more cafes.
        I have met and the friends I have made in the club have
        reinforced my belief that the Ulysses Club is a fantastic social   My time as Secretary has been very rewarding and I would
        club.                                                 welcome your support in serving for another year as National
                                                              Secretary for 2022.
        At Branch level I have served as treasurer, editor, webmaster

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