Page 17 - RidingOnSummer
P. 17

The Bear samples the Rukka Shield-R Riding Suit – as much as   heat is released. “Outlast
        he can in Covid lockdown.                             technology will proactively
                                                              manage heat while
        Unlike a lot of riding suits, Rukka’s Shield-R suit is dry from the   controlling the production
        outside in. They just make the suit out of one hundred percent   of moisture before it
        breathable, wind and waterproof Gore-Tex Pro 3-layer with   begins,” says Rukka.
        Armacor... a seriously abrasion-resistant material constructed
        from 700-denier Cordura and Kevlar; (every fourth thread is   All of this makes the suit
        Kevlar, woven like tartan). The materials are the most up-to-  thoroughly comfortable,
        date available for this kind of use. They are then laminated to   safe… and heavy. For my
        abrasion- and tear-resistant Cordura shell fabric. Together, the   180cm, 95kg body the
        materials leave the suit breathable and rainproof.    suit weighs 7.5kg. That’s
                                                              still not the heaviest riding
        Extra protection from the rain comes by way of adjustable hem   suit I have worn, but it’s
        and sleeves with velcro tightening, zippers and waterproof   getting up there. On the
        *RUH 7H[ LQQHU FX໤V DV ZHOO DV D VRIW QHRSUHQH FROODU   other hand, it is especially
                                                              comfortable; it feels almost
        The suit has breathable Rukka Air protectors for maximum   DV LI LW KDG EHHQ ¿WWHG WR PH DQG VWD\V WKDW ZD\ ZKHQ , VLW
        active and passive safety. Rukka’s Air Cushion System on the   on the bike. I have tried it on my BMW F750GS and on my
        inside of the pants’ seat reduces condensation, acts as a climate   Kawasaki Turbo, (in other words both sitting upright and leaning
        the outside, Keprotec Antiglide stops your bottom from sliding
        over the seat. There are ventilation openings on the chest,   A basic test is, how does it perform if you’re just walking
        sides, sleeves and the back of the jacket, plus the pants have   DURXQG  RU VLWWLQJ RQ D FDIp  , ZLVK  FKDLU" 7KLV VXLW ¿WV ZHOO
        them on the front and back of the thighs.             with the help of the various stretch panels on the sides, upper
                                                              EDFN DQG DUPV  7KHUH LV QR VHQVH RI EHLQJ WUDSSHG LQ VWL໤
        How do you feel about new technology? Like most people, I am   textiles.
        impressed by the advances I read about. Unfortunately, they
        often prove to be less than practical and never see everyday   This Rukka suit has impressed me, as you can probably tell. It
        DSSOLFDWLRQV  :KHQ , ¿UVW UHDG DERXW 2XWODVW ZKLOH LW ZDV EHLQJ   is not cheap at $1940 for the jacket and $1340 for the trousers,
        developed for NASA, I thought it sounded ideal for motorcycle   EXW LI \RX WDNH FDUH RI LW  , ZRXOG H[SHFW LW WR ODVW LQGH¿QLWHO\  ,Q
        clothing.                                             appearance, comfort and… dare I say it, elegance, the Rukka
                                                              6KLHOG 5 VXLW LV ZHOO RXW LQ IURQW RI WKH ¿HOG
        Rukka not only saw the potential, but applied it. Outlast utilizes
        phase change materials that absorb, store and release heat for   Contact details for importers Innotescoare: 0414 814194
        optimal thermal comfort. The materials are “microencapsulated”   (Australia), (Australia and
        into, er, micro capsules and protected in a polymer shell forming   International), (New Zealand).
        a fabric that is sewn into Rukka’s clothing next to the skin. As
        the skin gets hot, the heat is absorbed, and as it cools, that   J Peter “The Bear” Thoeming #675

                                   G’day members, the name’s   XVHG PLQH DV WHHWKLQJ ULQJV  , ZDV UXQQLQJ WKH HOHFWULF IHQFH R໤
                                   Axle...Axle Wrench, and    the DRs battery, and that seems to have protected the wiring
                                   I’m looking to join your   which also explains why there’s a pile of dead mice next to the
                                   awesome Club. I live in a   bike. I might have to Araldite the petrol tank as there are a few
                                   great little riding spot called   holes around the bottom of it.
                                   Outbaccabeyond. One of me
                                   city based cuzins told me all   , VHHQ RQH RI WKHP ELNHV \RX 8O\VVHV IRON OLNH  DOO ¿WWHG XS ZLWK
                                   about yas and I thought it   saddle boxes and such to carry all ya gear to them AGMs. That
                                   would be good to get away on   FLW\ FX]LQ PDNHV ³DUW\´ ¿OPV DW D SODFH FDOOHG .LQJV &URVV DQG KH
                                   a motorbike instead of drivin   left a couple of camera boxes after his last visit. We was havin
                                   me old VJ Valiant ute. Anyway,   brekky and old Sarge come to visit, but when I showed him
                                   I’ve put in my application and   in, the cuzin had scarpered for some reason?? He must have
                                   am just waiting to see what   forgotten somethin back in the big smoke?
                                   happens. I been riding bikes
                                   since I was a little tacker and   Them camera boxes were full of some sort of dried weeds, but
                                   I don’t think it’ll take me long   I gave that to the goats (they was pretty happy about that for
                                   to get me road license. In the   hours too). I’ll weld up some brackets and bolt them on the back
                                   mean time I’ll be working on   of the DR.
        me wheels, as the old DR650 hasn’t been outta the shed for
        many years.                                           I was readin about them Oggie Knobs and how they can save ya
                                                              bike being damaged if ya drop it, so I’ll bolt on a couple of old
        Apparently the local Sarge tells me I can have it registered   tractor spring rubbers and that’ll work a treat.
        as a vintage bike because it’s a bit old. Now I’m a self made
        enjineer so I can do all me own work and there apears to be   I found me old Bell helmet and chased out the redbacks and
        a bit to do. You’ll recall we had a bit of a mouse plague out   degreased it. All the foam has fallen out of it but I can wear me
                                                              EHVW EHDQLH WR PDNH LW ¿W PH KHDG ¿QH
        west, well they seem to have eaten me DRs seat, but that’s ok
        cause the old Massey Ferg has a perfectly good seat complete
        with springs and bein steel the rodents don’t like chewin on it.   The wife, Shazza, bought me a new pair of welders gloves and
        The exhaust system is a bit short these days as most of it has   I’ll be savin them for riding the bike. The local CRT blokes have
        rusted away, but, I found some irrigation pipe out in me chook   overalls with knee pads so they’ll make good sliders on tight
        shed that should do the trick. It has 90 and 45 degree elbows   corners.
        and the whole thing will just screw together, plus, by utilising an
        H[WLQFW ¿UH H[WLQJXLVKHU VWX໤HG ZLWK VWHHO ZRRO ,¶OO KDYH D SHUIHFW   Anyway, I’ll be joinin all you Ulysses folks very soon...can’t see
        PX໦HU                                                 your NatCom not wantin a valuable person like me as a member.
                                                              Hmmn, might have a shot at bein your Pres eh?
        I’ll have to buy some second hand tyres seeing as the mice have
                                                              Keep ya nuts tight, Axle.

                                                                                                   RIDING ON  17
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