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Candidates National Committee 2021

         ULYSSES CLUB INCORPORATED NOTICE OF                 National Treasurer: John Tout #42398, Alf Baxter: #3284
         ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2022                         Ordinary Committee: Ken Eaton #51189
                                                             Ordinary Committee: Robert Hunt #51563
         The 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Ulysses Club   Ordinary Committee: John Osborne #41785
         Incorporated will be held on Saturday 9th April 2022 at   Ordinary Committee: Alf Baxter #3284
         the  Warwick Showgrounds, 18 Kingsford Street, Warwick,
         Queensland, 4370. The meeting will commence at 1.00pm   An election will be required for Treasurer postion and 1
         sharp and the doors will be closed. The National Committee   Ordinary Committee position
         of the Ulysses Club Inc. advises members that Nominations
         for all positions on the National Committee for 2022 have   Attendance and speaking rights at the Annual General
                                                             0HHWLQJ ZLOO EH VWULFWO\ OLPLWHG WR ¿QDQFLDO PHPEHUV RI WKH
         been received and are as follows:
                                                             Ulysses Club Inc. only.
         President: Allan Pratt #9186
         Vice President: Blue Knowles #33140                 Sharryn Nankervis #36204
         National Secretary: Sharryn Nankervis #36204        National Secretary

                                  Hello fellow Ulyssians,    OLIHVW\OH KDYH EHHQ D໤HFWHG
                                  For those who do not know   Pleasingly, the current National Committee has continued to
                                  me, my name is Allan Pratt. I   work well together, always with the best interests of the Ulysses
                                  have been an active Ulysses   Club and our members foremost in our minds.
                                  Club member since 1995.
                                                             'L໥FXOW DQG XQZHOFRPH GHFLVLRQV KDYH KDG WR EH PDGH WR
                                  I was previously a member of   HQVXUH WKH RQJRLQJ ¿QDQFLDO YLDELOLW\ RI WKH 8O\VVHV &OXE ± D
                                  the Lower Hunter Branch and   work in progress.
                                  was a founding member of
                                  the Redlands Branch in South   I have been very proud to work alongside and closely with all
                                  East Queensland in 2000    members of the past and current National Committees.
                                  and subsequent President of
                                  the Redlands Branch for the   I look forward to 2022 with enthusiasm and energy, knowing
                                  following 14yrs            the challenges we will continue to face as an active social Club,
                                                             EXW IHHOLQJ FRQ¿GHQW ZH FDQ RYHUFRPH WKHVH FKDOOHQJHV
                                 I have been a member of the
       National Committee for the last 6 years. My portfolios have   To that end, I feel that I am ready to take on and am
       included International Liaison, Club Plate Scheme and liaison for   nominating for, the role of Ulysses Club Inc. National President
       Sponsors and Motorcycle Manufacturers.                in 2022.

       I have been the National Vice President since 2018 and involved   I’m a proud Ulyssian and I hope that you, the members, will
       with the South East Queensland Branches and events, including   honour me with election to the position of National President on
       the National Memorial Gardens at Somerset Dam and the   the Ulysses Club Inc. National Committee at the National Rally
       President and Secretaries meetings.                   in Warwick 2022.

       This year, my sixth as a member of the Ulysses Club Inc.   Thank you
       National Committee, has been challenging, with the restrictions   Allan Pratt #9186 DM 22
       placed on us all meaning that some aspects of the Ulysses Club

                           Position sought: National Treasurer   I was self-employed as an owner operator in Transport and
                           or Ordinary Committee Member       Logistics; servicing and repairing my own equipment as
                                                              required. As an owner operator I completed an introduction
                           My name is Alf Baxter #3284. I was born   WR &RPSXWHUV DQG 0<2% LQ      DV SDUW RI DQ 2໥FH
                           in Ayr, Queensland in 1950 and moved   Technology course. I’m currently using Quicken as my preferred
                           to Townsville in 1960. While doing taxi   bookkeeping since 2000. The Wave program is used by the
                           work in Townsville, I was invited to join   Kwinana R.S.L. Service club.
                           the Ulysses Club which I did in 1991.
                                                              I am nominating for two roles - as National Treasurer or
                           I moved to Cairns in 1993 and travelled   National Ordinary Committee member in the 2022 Ulysses Club
                           from Cairns to Townsville by bike to   AGM in Warwick, Queensland.
                           attend Army reserve training where I
        was a Lance Corporal.                                 If my nomination is successful I believe I could bring my skills
                                                              and experience to help with my role on the National Committee.
        I’m currently retired and living south of the river in Perth,
        Western Australia, and have served on several committees with   Alf Baxter #3284
        the RSL subbranches. My last committee role was with Kwinana
        from 2016 to 2020. I was with the City of Cockburn RSL as the

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