Page 10 - RidingOnSummer
P. 10

e  |                 National Ulysses Club Rally Liaison
        m | 0427 669 903                                     e  |
                                                             m | 0423 379 848
                                                                m | 0428 246 175

                                 Welcome to the Summer edition   I look forward to seeing you at the 2022 Ulysses Club National
                                 of Riding On, and welcome to   Rally South – East Queensland in Warwick. Dates of future
                                 the new members of this great   Rallies:
                                 Ulysses Club.
                                                              2022 Ulysses Club National Rally – South - East Queensland 4th
                                 The organising team for the   – 10th April 2022
                                 2022 National Rally in Warwick
                                 is certainly working extremely   2023 Ulysses Club National Rally – Lismore 1st– 7th May 2023
                                 hard to bring you an exceptional
                                 Rally. Most infrastructure,   2024 Ulysses Club National Rally – Western Australia “18th
                                 entertainment and equipment   March 2024 24th March 2024”
                                 has been booked for the Rally.   Along with the rest of the National Committee I am always
                                 7KH ORFDO DUHD KDV D ORW WR R໤HU   on the lookout for a great location to hold a National Rally. If
                                 the visitor and the program   you have a suitable location, I will welcome a call on 0427 66
                                 for the National Rally is well   9903 or email to discuss the possibility of
                                 planned. Let us all get in and   running a National Rally as well as the submission process.
        book our ticket to the Rally.
                                                              I look forward to receiving your submission for the 2025 Ulysses
        You may ask what if I am not double Vaxed, can I attend   Club National Rally.
        the Rally? This decision is NOT up to the Ulysses Club as the
        National Committee, the Organising committee and members
        must comply with State restrictions and regulations in place   Blue Knowles
        at the time of the Rally. As soon as we know what these
        restrictions and regulations are we will advise the membership.
        With the uncertainty of Covid restrictions NatCom has decided   Ulysses Club Rally Liaison
        that there will not be an Open Day at the 2022 National Rally in
        Warwick, however we will be considering Open Days for future
        National Rallies.
        In Regard to Public Open Days for future National Rallies there
        are several factors that need to be considered by National Rally
        organising Committees. A few of these factors are additional
        camping area and additional restrictions for the licenced area if
        the public are to enter this area, which in the past has been a
        desire of the visitors to the Rally. These items alone can add up
        to $2000 which has not historically been covered by the public
        attendance numbers.

        The budget for the next National Rally is over $250,000, which
        means at the current forecast numbers of 1000 attendees the
        cost per registrant is approx. $250, this amount is currently
        covered by the Registration Fees of $120 and camping fee
        of a similar amount. Rally registrants are in fact subsidising
        public attendees by a considerable amount for the opportunity
        to attend the Public Open day. To say it is a good recruiting
        tool is an overstatement as only one or two members have
        been recruited by this way in the past. The Traders certainly
        would like lots of public to come long and help with their sales
        however the numbers of public that attend is minimal and the
        traders receive little support from those who have attended
        in the past few years. An expensive exercise for the limited
        numbers of public that come along.
               The old saying “Many hands make light work” it is
        one of the most appropriate statements in this case. The Team
        for the 2022 National Rally are looking for additional team
        members to help to organise the next Rally. If you have some
        time to give to this great Club, can you contact Helen Larter via

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