Page 7 - RidingOnSummer
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e  |                       National Secretary’s Report
          m | 0417 35 5326

                                   It is encouraging to see    It is time now to look forward to the National Rally in Warwick
                                   Australia opening up again and   Queensland in April 2022. What a blast it will be, especially after
                                   restrictions easing considerably   the disappointing cancellations of the last two National Rallies. I
                                   over the past few weeks. With   am certainly looking to seeing everyone there, and I encourage
                                   vaccination rates improving we   you to register as soon as the registrations open.
                                   hope to see more members out
                                   and about, travelling between   The Breakfast Clubs in Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales
                                   states and enjoying the     and Western Australia continue to grow and for anyone wanting
                                   companionship that the Ulysses   information about these it can be found on the Ulysses Club
                                   &OXE R໤HUV                  website under “Branches”. If you haven’t attended a Breakfast
                                                               Club can I suggest that you check their Facebook pages and go
                                   As you saw in one of the recent   along.
                                   Intercom announcements
                                   questions have been asked   Together with Paul, I wish you and your families all a very merry
                                   around the Ulysses Club     Christmas and a happy and safe New Year. Stay positive and
                                   policy on Covid-19 restrictions        ZLOO EH VR YHU\ GL໤HUHQW IURP WKH ODVW WZR \HDUV
                                   and vaccinations. We are
                                   all governed by the rules   Regards,
         and regulations which apply to the states and territories of
         Australia. It is up to each of us to know and abide by whatever
         the restrictions and vaccination rules are in our state and also   Sharryn Nankervis
         wherever we travel.
         Thank you for your phone calls and emails and with luck I’ll be   #36204
         talking face to face with some of you very soon. The National   National Secretary
         Committee has continued to meet via Zoom meetings this year
         and while it is not the same as a face-to-face meeting we have
         been able to keep on pretty much as usual.

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                                                                                  stubbie holders $4.95
                                                                                                    RIDING ON 7
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