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Candidates National Committee 2021

                               Position Sought: National      5DOO\ 2UJDQLVHU  152  ZLWK H໤HFW -XQH       , FXUUHQWO\ ¿OO WKH
                               Committee Vice President       position now titled Ulysses Club Rally Liaison (UCRL) as well as
                                                              a committee member of National Committee (NatCom).
                               I have been a member of this
                               great club now for a little over   I was appointed to the NatCom in Aug 2017 and elected to
                               18 years and have served on the   NatCom in May 2018. I now seek your endorsement of my
                               Albury Wodonga Branch committee   nomination as Vice President of the Ulysses Club Inc.
                               for thirteen of those years. I have
                               held various positions such as   I am seeking the Vice Presidents position as a natural
                               2015 AGM Event Secretary, 2015   progression on the National Committee. I have found the time
                               AGM Event Director and Co-Trader   on NatCom extremely rewarding and feel that I can contribute a
                               Coordinator for 2 AGM Events. I   lot more to this great club in the position of Vice President.
                               was appointed National AGM Event
                               Coordinator (NAGMEC) in 2017   Blue Knowles #33140
        Subsequently changing the name of that position to National

                             My name is Robert Hunt (#51563). I   Mornington Racecourse in Victoria. In this role I was actively
                             have been a member of the Ulysses   working with many Victorian Branches, NATCOM and the local
                             Club since 2009, during which    community.
                             time I have enjoyed many riding
                             adventures, especially with those   I have served on the National Committee for the past 12
                             Branch.                          and MAOTY Administration.

                             I strongly believe that the strength   During this time, I have gained an appreciation for the
                             and success of our Club comes from   complexities of operating at a national level, and an admiration
                             the camaraderie and commitment   forthe teamwork, creativity, business, project, and logisticalskills
                             of its members. From the time I   it takes to ensure the continued success of our great club.
                             joined, I have felt valued, supported   Of course, I should also add your patronage and the Ulyssean
                             DQG ZHOFRPHG DW DOO OHYHOVȸLW LV D   esprit de corps!
        social network which I am proud to be a part of, and to gladly
        promote to others who may consider joining.           My current ride is a 2019 Can-am Spyder RT Limited. I am
                                                              married and my wife is also a Ulysses member. We have three
        I have served a total of six years in both leadership and   adult children and three wonderful grandchildren. All enjoy our
        administrative committee roles (including President, Vice   Branch family activities.
        President, Branch Editor and Email administrator) within the
        Geelong Branch. These roles enabled me to serve the Club and   With your support I would like to continue working as part of
        our local community, as well as gain an excellent understanding   the National Committee byreinvesting my skills and experience
                                                              EDFN LQWR WKH &OXE  WR HQVXUH WKH LQWHUHVWV DQG EHQH¿WV RI RXU
        of Club machinations at Branch and inter-Branch levels. I was
        also the Director for the successful 2019 National Rally held at   members remain well represented, and see our Club continue
                                                              to thrive.

                               Nomination for 2022 National   I have been actively involved in organising several of the
                               Treasurer – John Tout #42398   Westgate Wanderers / Torrens Valley (our sister branch) Annual
                                                              Meet N Greets. These have been great weekends held over the
                               I joined the Ulysses Club in   Melbourne Cup long weekend alternating between locations in
                               December 2005 after a discussion   Victorian and South Australia.
                               with a Ulyssian on a Geelong Toy
                               Run. I have been associated with   I have enjoyed attending and volunteering at our National AGMs
                               the Westgate Wanderers Branch   and Rally. I have attended every one since Townsville in 2008
                               located to the west of Melbourne. I   and have made some great friendships with other Ulyssians
                               also enjoy getting out and meeting   from all over our great country.
                               members from other Branches at
                               events such as Rallies, the VBC joint   In my working life I worked in most facets of accounting. I
                               rides, etc.                    have a Bachelor of Business and am currently a member of the
                                                              National Institute of Accountants.
         I initially joined the Westgate Wanderers Committee as a part
         of the Social Committee in 2006 and became Treasurer of the   After several discussions with current NatCom members,
         Branch in 2007, a position I held until resigning in 2017 to   including John Osborne, the current National Treasurer, I am
         take on the role as Treasurer for the 2019 National Rally in   nominating for the Treasurer’s role at the coming NatCom
         Mornington. I was nominated and received the Telemachus   elections. I believe that I have the skills to undertake this
         Medal in 2017 as recognition of services to the Westgate   role and look forward to working collaboratively with other
         Wanderers Branch                                     committee members if I am successful.
         I returned to the Branch Committee as President in 2019 after   I look forward to again catching up (after a long Covid pause)
         successfully completing the Mornington Rally’s Treasurer’s role.   with many of you at the National Rally in Warwick, Qld in 2022.
         I am still President at the Westgate Wanderers Branch.
                                                              John Tout #42398

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