Page 23 - iE6
P. 23


                   1      CD1: 10-11

                   2         As soon as you have a goal for your career, it's time to make a plan.

                   3    Think about what you need to do to get the job you want.  What type

                   4    of school should you go to?  What kind of courses should you take?

                   5    Sometimes doing a part-time job can help you get experience and test the

                   6    water, and so can doing volunteer work.  Finally, just act on your plan.

                   7    Learn and correct it along the way.

                   8         A career plan is a useful tool to help you reach your goal in life.

                   9    But remember: You're the leader of your own life.  If you feel like

                   10   you're going down the wrong road, you always have the power to change

                   11   the course.

                   12 應用字彙        CD1: 12

                   13    quite ޴຅             power ɢඎ               by Ϙ׵iʔ፰׵                 as soon as ɓnఱ

                   14    course ሙ೻iཀ೻         part-time ࡒᔖٙ          test the water ༊ઞ         act Бਗiڌତ

                   15  認識字彙  decision Ӕ֛ccskill Ҧঐccsearch ฤ॰ccgoal ͦᅺ

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