Page 24 - iE6
P. 24

1   After You Read

                2     Using Graphic Organizers        ࣬ኽ˖௝ʫ࢙dҁϓଡ଼ᔌྡf

               3        Know  yourself                         Explore  your                     choices

               4         1.  Find out what you're                 2.  Talk to someone, search online, or take
               5                                and bad at.          some                     to explore how you
               6                                                     can make good use of your talents.

               7                            Career Planning

                                                                        12  Decide  your goal

               8        Act  on your                                    13     3.  Decide on a career goal.
                                                                        14         Then plan out what you

                9          4.  Follow your plan, but don't              15         should do to
               10             be afraid to make changes                 16         the goal.

               11             to your plan along the way.

               17     Reading Comprehension          ࣬ኽቡᛘʫ࢙d፯͍̈ᆽٙഈࣩf


               18    1.  (      )   What is the main idea of the reading?
               19              (a) It is important to know what you're good and bad at.
               20              (b) Making a career plan can help you reach your goal in life.

               21              (c) You are the leader of your life, so do what you want to do.
               22    2.  (      )   What does the writer mean by "If you feel like you're going down the
               23              wrong road, you always have the power to change the course"?
               24              (a) If you feel lost, don't be afraid to ask people for help.
               25              (b) You have to keep following your plan although it may be difficult.

               26              (c)  You can make changes to the plan when it doesn't go with what you
               27                  want.

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