Page 25 - iE6
P. 25
1 Review Corner ል୦яତනҏٙᔷұႧf
2 ϞԬᔷұႧՈϞяତනҏٙ̌ঐdᜫ˖ʕࠠࠅԫe฿ׂeӉձΪ९ٙяତһϞᄴϣdԴ˖ݖһމูeᛘf
3 此類轉折語的整理 :
4 Beginning
5 first (of all)
6 to start (with)
7 in the beginning
8 before
9 Middle
10 second (of all), third (of all)...
11 next
12 then
13 later
14 after that
15 End
16 last
17 finally
18 to finish
19 in the end
20 Read and write. ᛘɓᛘɨ˙˖dԨίቇٙЗໄ̋ɝяତනҏٙᔷұႧf
21 Example First,
22 It's very easy to sign up for the company trip. Go to the sign up web page
23 here. Fill out your information. You'll get an e-mail that shows you how to
24 pay. Keep in mind that you have to pay for your trip before April 24. You'll get
25 another e-mail which tells you that you have successfully signed up for the trip.
26 And that's it! Start packing for the trip.