Page 104 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 104

KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1  23/10/09  12:17  Page 103

                                       HIT CHED O VAL MA T


                   A                              B

                         Interweave the hitches      Note how the hitches overlap in
                                                            the middle


                                 Carefully pass one end at a time through the hitches

                  The mat should first be made    over and under locking all in
                  big and loose, and afterwards   place. The basic layout of the
                  tightened into the final size.  mat is now made. Work it into a
                     In the middle of the rope,   fairly symmetric shape and
                  create 5 half hitches and       follow the design round 3, 4 or 5
                  interweave them as you make     times, as you wish. You may not
                  them. This will give you the base  be able to complete your full
                  structure of the mat. Make sure  number of passes with the mat in
                  that where the outer two hitches  its oversized state, so gently
                  overlap in the middle is as     tighten the whole thing, working
                  shown in diagram b.             slack out to each working end,
                     With the right hand working  thus giving yourself more line to
                  end, carefully follow the overs  complete your passes. Keep
                  and unders, first to the left of the  repeating this up until you have a
                  mat and then back. Finally with  perfect mat . Finish by either side
                  the left hand working end, weave  splicing or flat seizing the ends.

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