Page 142 - Selling secrets 5 18 2023
P. 142

immediately).  Next, it’s  your  turn to  ask them  questions.
        Directing the question back to the buyer maintains your
        control of information. The price you paid for your house
        doesn’t have any bearing on the current market value, so if
        the question comes up, simply smile and tell them you won
        it on a bet!

        Facing questions on the pricing of your home shouldn’t be
        difficult if you have put serious effort into determining your
        asking price. If you based it on professional market value
        estimates, tell buyers that. Don’t forget to point out recent
        sales of comparable homes and the improvements you’ve
        made. Competitive offers from other interested buyers are a
        constant concern for a home shopper. They might ask you
        about this, and you can always tell them there is definitely
        interest, but nothing on paper.

        Buyers might ask why your home hasn’t yet sold, and you
        can tell them that you’re waiting for the perfect buyer:
        them!  Almost  invariably  they  will  ask  to  know  the  lowest
        price you’ll accept or if the price is negotiable. Let them
        know you haven’t had much time to think about that. In
        turn, ask what price they had in mind, adding “as long as
        the offer is negotiable”

        Always answer questions thoughtfully without revealing too
        much. On the other hand, always attempt to get the other
        party to reveal their thoughts, without being pushy or
        making them uncomfortable. Get them comfortable and

        Some real estate agents will want information from the
        listing agent. If a buyer agent contacts your agent, he might
        be looking to exchange sensitive information to get the sale.

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