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Engineering FAQs
53. How, when and where should one start
JEE Main preparation?
JEE Main preparation should ideally begin at the
beginning of Class XI itself. Aspirants should start
studying chapters and topics across the three subjects,
solving numerical problems, and regularly trying out
sample papers and mock tests to sharpen their ability.
Students should always work on improving their
weaknesses and strengthen their strong areas.
54. How is the JEE Main marking scheme
divided between Class XI and XII syllabi?
The weightage of Class XI and XII almost comes out
to be equal, which is not considering questions which
combine topics from chapters covered across different
classes and subjects too. Thus, students should prepare
47. How many languages is the JEE Main equally well from Class XI and XII syllabi.
Paper 1 available in?
JEE Main Paper 1 will be led in English and Hindi 55. I have not prepared for JEE Main for two
language. For those who choose exam centre in Gujarat, years. Can I crack JEE Main or should I drop
Daman & Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli, the option a year?
of Gujarati would also be offered. It is not the end of the world if a student has not been
able to prepare full-time for JEE Main. Not everyone is
48. What is the negative marking scheme able to spend two whole years studying for JEE Main.
for JEE Main? Some have six months to prepare, some have four and
For each correct answer, student would be awarded 4 others have two. With less time being a factor, students
marks, and -1 for every incorrect answer. have to analyze which topics are most important and the
likeliest to be asked in the exam. Trying and covering the
49. How to prepare for JEE Main? whole syllabus is a waste of time. Students short on time
There is no simple trick to crack JEE Main. Students should focus on scoring topics and subjects.
have to work hard for two years, covering each subject Dropping for a year is a major step and one students
and polishing their skills to do well in the final exam. should consider only if they are ready to commit to
With a good study plan and the will to succeed, a student JEE Main preparation completely for one whole year.
should succeed to acing JEE Main.
56. Which are the best books for JEE Main
50. How difficult is the JEE Main exam? preparation?
Compared to most Class XII board exams, JEE Main Some top books to prepare for JEE Main exam are:
is a very tough exam. However, it is not considered Physics - Concepts of Physics by H.C. Verma &
as tough as JEE Advanced which is subjectively the Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick and
toughest engineering entrance exam in the country. Walker
Chemistry - Numerical Chemistry by P. Bahadur,
51. Is a calculator allowed in JEE Main? Organic Chemistry by OP Tandon, and Inorganic
No, a calculator is not allowed in JEE Main exam. Chemistry from NCERT
Mathematics - Co-ordinate Geometry by S. L. Loney,
JEE Main Preparation Higher Algebra by Hall and Knight, and Differential and
Integral Calculus by Amit M Agarwal
52. Which is more important – Board Exams
or JEE Main? 57. Where would I be able to get mock tests
Both are equally important, and considering admissions to and practice papers to prepare for JEE Main?
NITs and IITs are now influenced by board exam results, Many education websites offer free sample papers online
aspirants should prioritize both board exams and JEE for students to practice. NTA, the conveners of JEE Main,
Main. also release their own sample available on their website.
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