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Engineering FAQs
               66.  What are the steps to object or
               challenge the answer key released by the
               If a student wishes to challenge the answer key of the
               NTA, he/she can do so through a specific process. The
               final call on the answer sheet will be taken by the NTA.
               The following steps are to be followed to challenge
               answer key -
               • Student have to login with their Application Number
                 & Password on the NTA’s website
               • Student have to upload the proof of the answer they
                 are challenging
               • Students have to finally have to pay INR 1000/- for
                 each question challenged and get a response.

               67.  Do students get the benefit of
               challenging the answer key provided by the
               If the NTA finds that the proof provided by the student
               challenging the answer key to be valid, the student is   The details mentioned in the JEE Main rank card are
               awarded bonus marks as well as refunded the money he/  student name & roll number, date of birth, name of
               she paid to challenge the answer key.           parents, state eligibility code, nationality, category, AIR,
                                                               subject-wise percentile,  category rank,  JEE Advanced
               68.  When will the answer key for JEE Main      Status,  and JEE Advanced cut off score.
               Paper II be announced?
               Answer key for Paper II will be announced once the   71. Are result and rank card required for JEE
               exam is completed, though only for parts I and II. No   Main counselling?
               answer key will be released for part III, which is the   Yes. Students have to download the rank card, take a
               drawing section.                                printout and carry it to the JEE Main counseling session.
               Results                                         72. Are result and rank card of JEE Main
                                                               different & how to download both?
               69.  When will NTA release the result for JEE   Yes, the result basically covers the overall percentile of
               Main Paper 1 & II? How students can check       a student in the JEE Main exam. The rank card has all
               the result?                                     aspects of the result from rank to percentile score and
               Ans. Some important dates for JEE Main 2020 are   JEE Advanced cutoff and status.
               given below -
                                     Paper 1      Paper II     73. If two students get the same number of
                                                               marks, then how is JEE Main rank decided?
                 JEE Main 2020 Exam   Jan 6-11, 2020  April 3-9, 2020  During these situations, the ‘Tie-Breaker policy’ will be
                                                               adopted by NTA .Tie-Breaker Policy is explained below:-
                 Release of Temporary   2nd Week of   2nd Week of
                    Answer Key       Jan’20        Apr’20
                   Release of Final   3rd Week of   3rd Week of   JEE Main Paper 1
                    Answer Key       Jan’20        Apr’20
                                                               •  Higher rank is given to student with higher Mathematics
                    Result Date     31-Jan-20     30-Apr-20
                                                                 percentile score
               To check the result, students can go to,   •  If the tie exists again, student with higher percentile score
               enter their application number and password, and see   in Physics will be ranked higher.
               their results displayed on the screen.          •  Thereafter, candidates with the higher percentile score in
                                                                 Chemistry will be ranked higher.
               70. What are the details given in the rank       If the tie is still not broken, candidates older in age
               card of the JEE Main?                           will be given higher rank.

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