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Electro-Chemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Surface Exam Pattern
Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Polymers, Some Essential
Standards Of Natural Science, Biomolecules, Periodic 41. What is the JEE Main exam pattern for
Classification, Inorganic Chemistry, Co-Ordination Paper I?
Compounds, Environmental Science, and Metallurgy. JEE Main Paper I will consist of a total of 75 questions,
divided equally across Physics, Chemistry, and
38. Which topics are important for JEE Main Mathematics. 60 questions are objective-type questions
Paper I? consisting of four options, twenty from each subject. Engineering FAQs
The important topics for Physics, Chemistry, and The rest of the 15 questions are those which have to be
Mathematics are listed below. These are based upon the answered with a single numerical value, five of each
general weightage of each chapter in the eventual exam coming from the three sections. The duration of the
for the past few years. exam is three hours long.
Physics – Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Electrostatics,
Optics, and Modern Physics. 42. Is JEE Main conducted online, offline,
Chemistry – Chemical Equilibrium, Thermodynamics, or both?
Mole Concept, Solutions, Electrochemistry, Chemical JEE Main Paper I will be conducted only in computer-
Bonding, Organic Chemistry, and Inorganic Chemistry. based test mode. No facility for offline exam is
Mathematics – Complex Numbers, Functions, available. In Paper II, the drawing sections will be
Calculus, Coordinate Geometry, Vector 3-D and conducted in pen and paper format. The rest of Paper II
Probability. will also be conducted only in computer-based test mode.
39. Is the JEE Main syllabus the same as 43. What is the exam pattern for JEE Main
Class XI & XII CBSE syllabus? Paper II?
Yes, the syllabus of JEE Main is mostly similar to that JEE Main Paper II will be a part computer-based and
of the syllabus of CBSE Class XI and XII. part pen-paper-based test. Part I will comprise of 30
objective questions in Mathematics, part II will have
40. What is the syllabus of JEE Main Paper 50 objective questions in Aptitude and part III will be a
II? pen and paper-based test testing the drawing ability of
JEE Main Paper II syllabus is listed below: student. Part I and II will have 1/4th negative marking
and four marks for each correct answer.
Part 1:- Consciousness Of People, Places, Structures,
Materials, Objects Related To Architecture And Build- 44. Are the exam patterns for JEE Main and
Environment. Picturing Three Dimensional Articles from JEE Advanced same?
Two Dimensional Drawings. Imagining. Various Sides of No, JEE Advanced is fundamentally different and set by a
Three Dimensional Items. Analytical Reasoning, Mental completely different authority as compared to JEE Main.
Ability (Visual, Numerical and Verbal).
45. Is it compulsory to attempt both the
Part 2:- Three Dimensional - Observation: Understanding papers in JEE Main?
And Valuation For Scale And Proportion Of Articles, No. Paper I and II are optional in JEE Main and
Building Structures And Elements, Color Texture, depends on the choice of the student.
Harmony And Contrast. Design and Drawing of
Geometrical or Theoretical Shapes and Patterns in Pencil. 46. What is usually the passing percentage
Change of Structures both 2D And 3D Association, for each subject in JEE Main? How
Subtraction, Pivot, Improvement of Surfaces and Volumes, many scores are mandatory in all three
Generation of Plan, Rises and 3D Perspectives on Items. subjects?
Making Two Dimensional and Three Dimensional Pieces There is generally no passing percentage for any
Utilizing Given Shapes and Structures subject in JEE Main. The overall and subject-wise
Drawing of Scenes and Exercises from Memory of cutoff is decided based upon the relative performance
Urban Scape (Open Space, Showcase, Celebrations, of students across the board. For example, if a
Road Scenes, Monuments, Recreational Spaces, and so paper is tough and the overall average score falls,
on.), Scene (Stream Fronts, Wildernesses, Trees, Plants, then the overall and subject cutoff falls according to
and Soon.) And Rural Life. the trend.
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