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The number of seats available at each institution on offer
from JEE Main 2020 are -
Institute Type Seats
NITs 17,967
IIITs 4,023
GFTIs 4,683
Grand Total 26,673 Engineering FAQs
77. If a student’s parents live overseas, but
the student has studied in India since class
III, can he/she apply for JEE Main? Which
category will they come under?
If the parents of the student hold an OCI certificate, the
student can apply under the OCI category. If not, the
student will have to apply as a foreign student.
78. How many seats are reserved in JEE
JEE Main Paper II Main 2020 for each category?
Percentage of seats reserved in JEE Main 2020 are-
• Students who secured higher marks in aptitude test Categories Reservation Percentage
will be given the higher rank
• If the tie still persists, the candidates with higher SC/ST 23%
scores in drawing test will be allotted the higher rank. OBC 27%
• If the tie is still not broken, candidates older in age Person with Disabilities 5%
will be given the higher rank. ReviewAdda.Com 10%
Economically weaker Section
74. Is AIR (All India Rank) & State rank 79. What is the rank required to get CS in
separate? Also, is there a category rank too? private colleges like VIT, SRM, BITS and so
Yes. AIR refers to all India rank of a student across all on?
state and category lines. State rank as the name suggests Colleges like VIT, SRM, and BITS conduct their
refers to rank of the student in his/her state, while category own engineering entrance exams such as VITEEE,
rank refers to rank of student in his/her category SRMJEEE, and BITSAT respectively. The cutoff to
get computer science (CS) keeps fluctuating each year.
75. What is the result calculation process for Ideally, a student should be in the top five to ten thousand
the two attempts for JEE Main? rank holders to get CS in colleges like VIT and SRM. For
JEE Main 2020 will be conducted twice in a year, first BITS, students have to do even better as the number of
in January and then in April. NTA has adopted formula seats in BITS institutions are lower than VIT and SRM.
to calculate the percentile of a student as given below.
Percentage =Marks obtained / Total marks (x) 100 Counselling
Percentile =100 (x) Students with aggregate marks
less than taken by the student / Total Students 80. Who is eligible to apply for JEE Main
The better of the two scores will be considered to arrive counseling?
at a rank. Since the relative score in both January and The foremost requirement to apply for JEE Main
April exams will wary, NTA will normalize the score based counseling is for students to have a valid JEE Main
on their own methodology explained on their website. rank. Other eligibility criteria include performance in
qualifying exam, age, and nationality.
Cut Off Marks & Ranks 81. When does JEE Main counseling
76. How many seats are available from each commence?
respective institution through JEE Main JoSAA (Joint Seat Allocation Authority) conducts
2020? the counseling process for students who wish to apply
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