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58. Are coaching classes necessary for JEE • Keep trying out sample papers to come to terms with
Main preparation or is self-study an option the difficulty of the exam.
Coaching for JEE Main has its own set of benefits Sample Papers
such as learning from good faculty and studying in a
proper atmosphere. At the end of the day, it is up to the 62. From where can students download
student. If a student can find a good coaching center previous year question papers & answer
and can afford to join it, it is definitely an option worth keys? Engineering FAQs
considering. With the right discipline and mentality, self- Previous year question papers and answer keys are
study is also a brilliant option. available on the NTA website.
59. How to prepare for drawing section in 63. How to find JEE Main mock tests and
JEE Main paper II? sample papers?
Drawing skills can be improved by studying mock tests On the National Testing Agency (NTA) website, students
and sample papers online and learning the essentials of can download mock tests and sample papers for JEE
free hand drawing. Main preparation for free.
60. How to create the perfect JEE Main 64. Is the exam setup same for JEE Main
study time-table? Paper I & II?
Time management is important to crack the JEE No. Paper I is the conventional engineering entrance
Main exam. Each student should ideally create a time exam comprising of three sections covering Physics,
table which best suits their own study process. Any Chemistry, and Mathematics. Paper II has three parts
preparation time-table for JEE Main should aim to as well. Part I deals with mathematics, part II with
reduce distraction and focus on increasing study time. Aptitude-based questions, and part III with drawing
61. How to prepare for JEE Main paper II?
Tips to prepare for JEE Main Paper II are listed below-
• Students should go over the syllabus and create a plan JEE Main Answer Key
to prepare each topic to perfection
• Emphasis should be laid on understanding easy 65. Did NTA release JEE Main answer key for
concepts before tackling complex topics last year’s exam?
• Develop observational ability for aptitude and drawing Yes, NTA released the answer key for the JEE Main
section 2019 after the conclusion of the exam.
• Actively pursue topics which are weaknesses to remove
all doubts
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